11-Month-Old Baby: Health, Development, and Activity Guide

It’s been like yesterday when your baby got into this world, but you’ll soon be celebrating their first birthday. Your little one has become 11 months old, and you’d like to know what to expect at this time.
Here’s a detailed guide to the physical and mental development, health, and activities of an 11-month-old baby!
- Physical Development
- What Should a Child Do at 11 Months?
- 11 Month-Old Baby Schedule
- Activities for an 11-Month-Old Baby
- 11-Month-Old Baby Health and Safety—When to Worry?
- Helping Baby Development
Physical Development

Inna photographer/Shutterstock.com
An 11-month-old baby’s weight and length would depend on whether they are a boy or a girl, but also on the individual. The average length of a baby at eleven months is around 20 pounds and 12 ounces.
For boys, the weight can go up to 27 pounds. But girls can weigh as little as 15 pounds, and there’s nothing to worry about. If your infant is outside these values, consider talking to a medical professional about the necessity to adjust their nutrition.
⠀ | Length | Weight | Shoe Size |
Boy | 27-32 inches | 17-27 pounds | 3.5C-4C |
Girl | 26-31 inches | 15-25 pounds | 3.5C-4C |
As for the length, there’s not much difference between boys and girls. The average length for an 11-month-old baby is 29 ¼ inches, but it’s perfectly fine if the baby grows several inches more or less than this value.
The shoe size is usually from 3.5C to 4C until they turn 12 months old. That means the foot length is from 4 ½ to 4 ¾ inches, depending on the baby.
What Should a Child Do at 11 Months?

What are the crucial milestones for a baby at this age? You’ll notice important changes and signs your baby is growing. From improving the coordination to noticing changes in how the infant communicates, you’ll love noting the progress of your little one.
Here is the stuff that usually occurs when babies are 11 months old.
Motor Skills—Cruising Around the Apartment
The baby’s hand-eye coordination would enhance significantly. They’ll figure out they can hold for the furniture and grab bars to cruise around the apartment.
Pay attention because some 11-month-old babies might try climbing. That includes getting onto the sofa where you sit but also trying to climb over the crib’s railing. If your little one is big enough to climb onto the chair and reach the table, pay attention to what you put on the top surface. Kids don’t pay attention, and they could end up spilling something or hurting themselves.
Another important consideration is that babies will figure out that some things could be opened at 11 months. So, if you have a drawer or cabinet, they could access, trying to open it wouldn’t be a surprise.
However, this is a huge safety risk, especially if you have risky items inside. Whether those are scissors, cosmetic products with chemicals or anything else they could eat or drink, protect the drawers. There are locking systems that will baby-proof any cabinets and drawers in your house.
Understanding Sizes and Colors

Your baby will begin assessing different sizes of things around the house. You might notice them arranging toys by color or size. They’ll begin discovering how they can set apart an item and put it back together. The important thing is to ensure they can only do this with toys. Make sure they have enough items to keep them busy and avoid playing with things around the house.
It’s Time for First (or More) Words and Advanced Communication
Most babies have already said something by the point they reach 11 months. But you can expect the communication to become more advanced at this point. They could be using words to ask for particular things, such as “ba-ba” for the bottle. Some infants learn to say hi, and “dada” or” mama” is also quite common. Your kid will also show or say if they like a certain food.
You might find your baby is starting to communicate. If you ask them whether they want their bottle, they could nod to confirm or say “no.” Gestures and pointing at items they want could become common for babies at 11 months. From the parent’s perspective, this is important to achieve better communication with the baby.
Your baby might not speak much, but you can rest assured they understand a lot at this point. You shouldn’t hesitate to talk to them as much as possible. That includes identifying items you are holding, as well as actions you are taking. Don’t hesitate to be descriptive about anything happening around you to help your baby build language skills.
It’s not uncommon to see babies walking at this point. They probably won’t make more than several steps before grabbing onto something or falling. More cautious babies would hold your hand and walk around. Once they gather enough courage, the infant might let go of your hand.
Please note you don’t want to rush your baby. They move from crawling to standing and walking at any point from nine to 15 months old. You should let your little one do everything at their pace instead of forcing them.
11-Month-Old Baby Schedule
An 11-month-old baby has a schedule filled with fun activities. For a parent, the good news is it’s not necessary to bathe eleven months olds daily. The estimation is up to you, but a bath is a good way to relax the infant before bedtime.
Also, don’t forget diapering tasks. Your baby will try new foods, so constipation or diarrhea could occur. If you suspect tummy issues, consult your doctor.
The basic rules apply, so keep the attention level at max and never leave your baby unattended.

Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock.com
Thanks to developing their motor skills, babies might now use a spoon or at least eat with their fingers. Your baby also starts to develop a taste sensation. You shouldn’t hesitate to offer different foods to see what the infant will identify as a favorite.
However, don’t forget to keep balanced nutrition. That includes the following:
- Protein. Meat is an excellent protein source, but you can also use yogurt, cheese, eggs, or lentils.
- Grain. Bread would do, but if you are looking for alternatives, go with pasta or rice.
- Vegetables and fruits. Leafy greens are a must and try to identify a fruit or two your kid loves. Berries, bananas, and apples are excellent choices.
Feed your baby ½ or ¾ cup of protein and grain each. As for fruits and veggies, they should take 1 or 1.5 cups of these two combined. Crackers could be an excellent snack, and don’t forget to ensure access to water. Your kid should stay hydrated, so give them the option to drink water occasionally.
Breastfeeding or Formula
Your baby is switching to solids but will still require breast milk or formula. The estimation is you should give anywhere from 12 to 24 ounces of formula daily. Once they become a year old, you can start switching from breast to cow’s milk.
However, nursing, as long as you both feel necessary, is okay, so you can continue with this activity. The same applies to weaning your baby off the bottle. While you can start this process at 11 or 12 months old, try to assess when your baby seems ready for it.
Sleeping and Napping

If we are being honest, we envy most babies for the amount of sleep they get. It’s what helps their body and brain development. At eleven months, your baby would still sleep anywhere from 11 to 16 hours, depending on the individual.
The crucial consideration is the bedtime schedule. Your baby will usually sleep through the night. The ideal amount of sleep at night is 11 hours. Depending on many factors, they could wake up several times. Perhaps your infant needs changing, or something is bothering them. It could also be that they are excited about what they did today and refuse to fall asleep.
Regression is normal and is usually nothing to worry about, but you’ll need patience establishing an optimal sleeping schedule. It helps to build a routine, meaning your baby should have the same bedtime hours every night. Creating a pattern your little one would follow makes it easier for them to recognize when it’s time for which activity.
You’ll find infants taking a nap at least twice a day. These naps could last anywhere from one to three hours. Sleeping more than three hours during the day might cause problems falling asleep at night.
Activities for an 11-Month-Old Baby

Keeping your 11-month-old engaged might not be easy. That’s why a careful toy selection is imperative. Here are some ideas on how you can keep your baby busy!
Try these fun game-like activities with your little one:
- Allow them to copy you. Many babies look at their parents and copy what they are doing. Give them a chance to use a wooden spoon and bowl to make a cake while in the kitchen. Or find them a toy remote to act like they are changing channels on TV.
- Interactive books with sounds. Find an interactive book with sounds from nature or any other sound effects. Allow your baby to press a button to hear a sound.
- Play with a ball. You can take turns in rolling a ball on the floor. It’s an excellent game for boys, especially if you want to attract them to sports.
- Dancing. It’s a simple game you’ll both enjoy. Play some amazing music and dance together. While strengthening their muscles, you’ll have a lot of fun!

An essential toy for an 11-month-old is a walker. It’s an activity center that also assists your child when they are walking. That’s an integral asset to make them more confident on their feet.
Other toys for 11-month-olds might include:
- Plastic toy sorters. The idea is to get pieces of different shapes, such as squares, circles, etc. Your baby’s task is to arrange each piece into the corresponding holes on the main component.
- Rolling cars. The same applies to other toys your child can push and pull. The idea is to develop motor skills and understand how movement occurs.
- Interactive toys with musical features. You could get a penguin or any other animal that plays sounds or songs when the child presses a particular button.
- Stacking blocks. It’s great for your kid to develop motor skills. Make sure blocks are of different colors and sizes, and don’t forget the importance of picking those with BPA-free materials.
11-Month-Old Baby Health and Safety—When to Worry?

As for general health, not much changes at 11 months. If you need to pay specific attention to something, continue doing so. And monitor any other potential changes in the baby’s behavior to identify a potential problem on time.
Teething is likely to start if it hasn’t already, so your little one might be in pain. A medical professional will recommend methods how to offer comfort to your baby in these situations. A frozen cloth or gum massage could reduce pain.
Always consult a pediatrician before giving your child an OTC pain medication. You need to dose it carefully, and it’s always better to go with the alternatives.
Perhaps a chewing toy or anything to chew on could prove a wise investment.
Don’t forget about the importance of brushing your baby’s teeth. You should do this twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste. Ask an expert about baby-safe toothpaste, and use a soft-bristled brush and gentle moves.
Safety Concerns—Falling, Choking, and Poisoning

Zhuravlev Andrey/Shutterstock.com
Your infant will be more active at 11 months. You can expect them to be mobile and explore the house. Most parents have already baby-proofed the house but double-check everything for potential problems.
And since your baby will do more walking, falling is a huge danger. Assess the entire house and look at how you can make movement easier for them. Here are the crucial tips:
- Put fences or gates on stairs or other risky areas.
- Make sure they can’t reach any appliances.
- Protect all electrical sockets.
- Be careful with hot food and drinks.
Choking and swallowing poisonous items are primary safety risks. For an infant, it’s normal to put an item in their mouth to learn about it. Now they can use a finger to grab some fluid from that bottle filled with chemicals, so make sure to keep everything well-closed and protected.
As for choking, the biggest risk is leaving small objects in a place where infants can reach them. For example, a hairpin is something your little one might eat if it falls on the floor and you don’t pick it up.
Care Basics
The top tip to give you is to never leave your infant out of sight. If they are on the move, increase your attention to a maximum level. As soon as they stand up, you need to be ready for action.
We don’t want to cause concern, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. As parents, learn about infant CPR. If it happens your baby is choking or needs clearing their airways for any reason, you can act immediately.
Also, write down the contact numbers of the local ER, your pediatrician, and others. Alternatively, save them on speed dial on your phone. It’s hard to think straight and focus when in an emergency situation, so it’s better to prepare in advance.
Experts recommend your baby should go barefoot whenever possible. It’s easier to learn to walk this way, but it also improves coordination and strength. However, when you head out, don’t forget to put your infant’s shoes on. It’ll protect them from scratches and other potential injuries.
Finally, consider checking your baby’s car seat. Some infants outgrow it by 11 months, so you might need a new seat. Rear-facing seats are the best option for babies until they reach three or four years of age.
Helping Baby Development

Ahmet Misirligul/Shutterstock.com
The best way to help your baby’s development is to be invested and spend as much time with them as necessary. They’ll appreciate building a strong bond with their parent or guardian, and that starts at birth. And offering support and reassurance in all situations is an excellent way to make them more confident and emotionally stable.
Here are some tips on how to support the baby’s development:
- Stick to a nutritious diet. From scrambled eggs or cereals for breakfast to snacks between every meal, optimal nutrition is necessary for any child.
- Pick snacks wisely. You should avoid sticky and hard candies, but also seeds and nuts, as well as popcorn. Feeding them crackers is a better option, and it’s also a healthy choice.
- Cut food into suitable pieces. You can count the total number of calories, but it’s more important to keep the food small enough for your baby to eat. You don’t want to risk them choking or the food getting stuck in their throat.
- Play music and read whenever possible. Pick kid-friendly songs and stories. Don’t hesitate to pretend and act as different characters while reading.
- Play together. From talking to them to encouraging their speech or pulling items from a box and returning them inside, it could all help your child develop. But they’ll most benefit from spending time with you as that would make them happy.

Marija Nedovic/Shutterstock.com
What can an 11-month-old baby eat?
They can and should eat grains, vegetables, protein, and fruits. Snacks like crackers that don’t present a choking hazard are also acceptable.
How much breast milk or formula would a baby need at 11 months?
The estimation is from 12 to 24 ounces per day, depending on how much other foods your baby is consuming.
Should I worry if my baby won’t eat a specific food at 11 months?
Your infant develops taste senses at this point. It’s normal they like one food more than the other. Try to listen to what they are telling you. But if they refuse food completely, make sure to talk to a doctor.
Is it okay for an 11-month-old to suck on their thumb?
Yes, many kids do this, and it’s nothing to worry about. However, if they keep doing this at age four or five, it’s a reason to consult a doctor.
Get Ready for an Exciting Journey!

noBorders – Brayden Howie/Shutterstock.com
At 11 months, many exciting things are waiting for you and your baby. You’ll see the infant getting up on their feet and exploring the house. They’ll communicate better and even respond to your questions. Kids can now eat more solid foods, and it’s interesting to explore their preferences together.
Your task as a parent or guardian is to keep paying close attention to your child. Try to listen to their needs and offer guidance and support. Don’t forget to spend as much time together as possible. Whether that’s playing, reading, or walking, you’ll love those joint activities!
The picture on the front page: Maples Images/Shutterstock.com
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