Parental Tips

Eggplant Emoji Meaning and Use Cases: What Parents Need to Know

Have you ever noticed a text on your child’s phone with an eggplant and wondered what the eggplant emoji’s meaning is? Emojis are used daily by many young people in their texts and social media messages with friends or even strangers on the internet. Some emojis are easy to understand, but others have secret or hidden meanings, like the eggplant.

This guide will explore the most common eggplant emoji meaning and cover everything parents need to know about the eggplant emoji and similar symbols.


What Does the Eggplant 🍆 Emoji Mean

eggplant emoji

Let’s kick off with the basics. What does the eggplant emoji mean? At first glance, you might assume that this is simply a small, cartoonish representation of the real-life vegetable of the same name. However, when it comes to text communication among young people, the emoji actually has a very different meaning.

Indeed, this emoji is sometimes known as the “penis emoji” and has quite strong sexual connotations. Its true meaning is for sexual innuendo, sexual jokes, or for flirting, or sexting. This has been going on as far back as 2011 on social media sites like Twitter, though the exact origins of using the eggplant emoji in a sexual way aren’t known.

Popularity on Social Media and Cultural Impact

As stated, the use of the 🍆 emoji mainly seemed to surge in popularity from 2011 onward. It didn’t take long for this trend to catch on and appear on other platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, as well as in private messages and texts between teens on dating apps for kids and other platforms.

The emoji became so widely used that Instagram actually had to block it and all references to it back in 2015, as it was being used as a tag for explicit content and sexual images. A year later, the American Dialect Society called the eggplant the “Most Notable Emoji” of the time due to its widespread usage.

The History of the Eggplant Emoji


The eggplant emoji has a history that stretches back several decades. It first appeared in emoji sets from Japanese mobile companies like AU and SoftBank Mobile as part of a broader collection of food-related icons. Initially, its inclusion was practical—emojis were designed to help users quickly reference ingredients, meals, and grocery items in text messages, which was especially useful given the character limitations of early mobile communication. Since eggplants are a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine, having an emoji representation made sense.

However, cultural associations also played a role. In Japanese folklore, eggplants are considered a symbol of good luck, particularly in the hatsuyume (first dream of the year), where dreaming of eggplant is believed to bring fortune. While the original intent behind the emoji was innocent, the shape of the vegetable and its longstanding suggestive connotations in Japanese humor may have contributed to its later reinterpretation in digital culture.

The association between eggplants and male genitalia in Japan predates the emoji era. This connection was notably popularized by the late 1990s Japanese reality show Susunu! Denpa Shōnen, featuring comedian Tomoaki Hamatsu, known as Nasubi. In the show, Nasubi was frequently depicted nude, with his genitalia obscured by an eggplant graphic—a reference to his nickname, which means “eggplant” in Japanese. This recurring imagery reinforced the symbolic link between eggplants and male anatomy in Japanese culture, laying the groundwork for the emoji’s later meaning in global digital communication.

Meanwhile, in many countries where eggplants are a staple ingredient, such as India, Turkey, and Mediterranean regions, the emoji is still primarily used to represent the vegetable itself. People commonly include it in messages related to cooking, shopping lists, or restaurant menus.

When Apple released its first iPhone in 2007, the eggplant emoji was included in a Japanese-exclusive set. However, US users soon discovered they could access these emojis by downloading Japanese apps, leading to a growing demand for their official release outside Japan. In response, Apple made the emoji a standard option in 2011, shortly after the “Aubergine” emoji was formally integrated into the Unicode system by AU, SoftBank, and NTT Docomo.

By the mid-2010s, the eggplant emoji had taken on a new life, as emojis became more widely used and their meanings evolved in online culture. It became a subject of debate, with discussions about its subtext, appropriateness, and the contexts in which it should or shouldn’t be used. In 2015, its widespread recognition even earned it the title of Most Notable Emoji of the Year.

How and When the Eggplant Emoji Is Used

eggplant emoji meaning

Tada Images/

Next, let’s look at the who, the how, and the when of eggplant emoji usage, starting with the “Who?” In general, anyone can use this emoji, as it’s available on the vast majority of modern messaging apps and services. However, it tends to be most frequently used among younger generations who are familiar with its sexual meaning.

In terms of how the emoji is used, there are various possibilities. Some people like to use it in quite a lighthearted way to make cheeky jokes or sexual innuendo. For others, it’s more of a serious emoji, used during sexting or sexually explicit conversations. There are also cases when the aubergine emoji is used simply as an actual eggplant, such as when discussing a recipe or grocery list.

Finally, the “When?” In general, 🍆 emojis are most often seen on dating apps and similar sites or services. They can be used by couples or people who are interested in chatting with others in a sexual manner, and may also be used by young people who wish to discuss sexual activities and subjects without necessarily using explicit words.

Examples of Emoji Eggplant Use in Different Contexts

During sexual or flirtatious chats:

  • I’m thinking of your 🍆
  • Want to come over? 🍆🔥
  • The next time we see each other… 🍆✌️🍑

Talking about the actual food:

  • Don’t forget to get 🍆 from the store
  • I made an amazing salad tonight: 🍆🥬🥕
  • Do you roast the 🍆in your parm recipe or fry it?

More Than Just Fruits – Other Flirting Emojis

The eggplant is far from the only emoji that has been given a secret meaning related to sex or flirting. There are various other seemingly simple symbols that also have their own secondary sexual meanings and appear commonly in dating or flirting chats between young people. Here’s a quick list:

  • Peach 🍑 — The peach emoji is essentially the opposite of the eggplant emoji, most commonly used as shorthand for butt, particularly of a female’s buttocks..
  • Banana 🍌 — The banana emoji may be used as an alternative to the purple eggplant emoji.
  • Cucumber 🥒 — The cucumber, like the banana, is another alternative to the eggplant.
  • Fire 🔥 — The fire or flame emoji may be used to suggest something “hot” or sexual.
  • Cherries 🍒 — The emoji showing a pair of cherries may be used to refer to breasts.
  • Sweat Droplets 💦 — This emoji showing droplets of water is often used to refer to a guy ejaculating or a woman becoming turned on.
  • Bone 🦴 — The bone emoji can be used to suggest the guy is turned on or wants to have sex.
  • Mouth 🫦 — The mouth emoji sends a message that the person is turned on or wants to engage in a sexual activity.
  • Noodles 🍜 — Even some of the Japanese food emojis have sexual content; the noodles mean “nudes” or undressed photos.

Read also: From Apples to Pineapples: A Parent’s Guide to Emoji Fruit Meanings.

How To Talk With Kids About Using Such Emojis and Keep Them Safe Online

The Kids360 app

Parents may be alarmed to imagine that their children are using or being exposed to sexual content through emojis or even catch them using these symbols themselves. However, there are ways to talk with your kids about sexual emojis and steps you can take to keep them safe online, such as:

  • Open a Dialog: Try beginning a dialog with your kids about the topic by saying something like, “I saw someone send a message with this emoji the other day. Do you know what it means?” or “Which emojis do you and your friends like to use lately?”
  • Listen Attentively: Kids, especially those in their teenage years, prefer to feel heard and listened to rather than ordered or talked over. Listen to what they have to say and try to understand their point of view about emoji usage.
  • Discuss the Risks: Bring up some of the risks and dangers that kids may face when using emojis with sexual secondary meanings and how it could get them into trouble or make other people feel pressured, scared, or confused.
  • Use Safety Apps: To limit or control the kinds of apps and services your kids use to chat with others, install a safety app like Kids360. Kids360 lets you block certain apps from your child’s device and set time limits for how long they can use apps that may be risky. This lets you limit their potential exposure to harmful emojis and messages.

Ensure your child’s online safety with Kids360. Take control of their digital experiences and foster a secure online environment. Download now for peace of mind!

Summing Up: Understanding the Eggplant Emoji

Clearly, despite seeming to be quite a simple and innocent symbol, the eggplant emoji has a surprising story behind it. It’s important for parents to be aware of what these kinds of symbols mean so that they can keep their kids safe and help to protect them from harassment or abuse.

Be sure to share this guide around to educate other moms and dads on the secret meanings of commonly used emojis!


What does 🍆🍑 together mean in the text?

When used as a double meaning, the eggplant purple vegetable emoji and peach emoji reference a sexual encounter between a guy and a girl. This combination is one of the most popular emoji combinations when it comes to suggestive imagery.

What does the 🥑 emoji mean?

The avocado emoji is not necessarily considered to be one of the sexy emojis, but it does have some meaning behind it. Some teens use it to say that something or someone is “basic.” It could also be used by couples in a relationship to show that they are together. And the third use, though not very common, could refer to someone who begins pregnant.

What does 🦴 mean in texting?

At first glance, you may feel it appropriate to use the bone emoji when talking about dogs, but teens are using it as suggestive imagery to make sexual comments. For example, the bone emoji could mean “boner” or “to bone,” or in simple answers, the person is feeling turned on or wants to have sex.

What does 🍌 mean from a guy?

When a guy sends a banana emoji and the context is not about food or a grocery list, they are often referring to their penis.

Cover image: Carlos Calvo Torregrosa/

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