Best Kid Jokes About School

Parents: breathe a sigh of relief. The summer holidays are over for another year! Whether your child is raring to get back into the classroom on the first day of term, or a little more ambivalent about beginning the academic year, great school jokes will help lighten the mood of even the grayest fall morning.
Below we round up the most hilarious (and appropriate) kids’ jokes about school that are sure to turn a back-to-school frown upside down!
98 Funny and Sweet School Jokes for Kids

School Appropriate Jokes for Class
- Why did the scarecrow become a successful student? Because he was outstanding in his field!
- What is a snake’s favorite subject? Hisssstory!
- What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus!
- Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!
- What dessert do maths teachers love best? Pi!
- What do you call a student who likes to eat beans? A can-teen!
- What does a book do when it’s feeling cold? It puts on a jacket!
- What building has the greatest number of stories? The library!
- Why did the teacher have to wear sunglasses in school? Because her students were so bright!
- Why didn’t the sun go back to school? Because it already has a million degrees!
- Which animal isn’t allowed to take an exam in school? A cheetah!
- Did you hear about the pixie who skipped preschool and went straight to kindergarten? It turns out he already knew his elf-abet!
- Why was the science teacher always mean to her students? Because she wanted to get a reaction!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? Nobel? Nobel who? I said there was no bell—that’s why I’m late for class!
- Why do students always walk in straight lines? Because if they walked in circles they’d never get to class!
- Why is six scared of seven? Because seven ate nine!
- Why shouldn’t you use glue on your math homework? You’ll get stuck on the same problem!
- What’s a frog’s favorite year? A leap year!
- Why did the school sweaters always stick together? Because they were such a close-knit group!
- Which school supply is the king of the classrooms? The ruler!
- Why don’t oysters share their pearls in class? Because they’re shellfish!
- Why was the report card cold? Because it was below C level!
- What’s the longest word in the world? “Smiles” — because there’s a mile between the first and the last letter!
Related: Challenge Young Minds: Kids Trivia Questions with Answers They’ll Love!
Best Back-to-School Jokes for Kids

- What is a witch’s favorite subject in school? Spelling!
- Why did the dog do so well in school? Because he was the teacher’s pet!
- What did the pen say to the pencil? “What’s your point?”
- What do librarians take with them when they go fishing? A bookworm!
- Why do magicians do well in school? They’re great at answering trick questions!
- What type of school do surfers go to? Boarding school!
- Why do calculators make great friends? Because you can always count on them!
- Why did the college student throw her watch out of the window? Because she wanted to see time fly!
- Why can’t a nose be twelve inches long? Because then it would be a foot!
- Why did the triangle and the square go to the gym? They wanted to stay in shape!
- What time would it be if Godzilla came to school? Time to run!
- Why did the egg get thrown out of school? Because he kept telling yolks in class!
- What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at you? Pick them up and roll them back!
- Where do math teachers love to go on holiday? Times Square!
- Why did the kid run to school? He was being chased by a spelling bee!
- Why does a music teacher need a ladder? To reach the high notes!
- If you had ten apples, three pineapples, eight grapes, and two bananas, what would you have? A yummy fruit salad!
- What happens when you throw a lot of books into the ocean? It creates a title wave!
- What flies around the school at night? An alpha-bat!
- Why was the school computer cold? Because it left its Windows open!
- Why don’t bananas join the school band? Because they don’t have any appeal!
- Why was it so cool in the school stadium? Because there were so many fans!
- How much does a computer eat for lunch? Just a byte!
Hilarious Jokes for Students on the First Day of School

- Why did the echo get a detention on the first day back at school? Because he kept answering back!
- Why did the boys steal classroom chairs at the start of the lesson? Because the teacher told them to take a seat!
- Why did the teacher write his lesson on the window? So it would be as clear as possible!
- Why are fish so smart? Because they live in schools!
- Why do pirates find it hard to learn the alphabet? Because they keep getting lost at C!
- Why did the bat miss the school bus? Because he hung around too long!
- Where did the music teacher leave his keys? In the piano!
- What’s the best way to get straight As? By using a ruler!
- What school does an ice cream man go to? Sundae school!
- Why do math students always look sad? They don’t feel adequate!
- Why was the ghost so excited on his first day of school? He had school spirit!
- Why did the middle schooler bring a ladder to class? She wanted to get to high school!
- Why won’t the elephant use the computer at school? He’s afraid of the mouse!
- Where do cats go on school trips? The mew-seum!
- Why is an English teacher like a judge? They both deal in long sentences!
- How do bees get to school? On the school buzz!
- Why did the teacher go to the beach? To test the water!
- Why should you never do math in the jungle? Because if you add four and four, you might get ate!
- Why did the school ban scissors? To stop kids from cutting class!
- Why did the robot have to go back to school? Because someone told her that her skills were a little rusty!
- Why did the pencil go to the school dance? Because it knew how to lead!
- Why couldn’t the bicycle find its way to school? Because it had lost its bearings!
- Why don’t skeletons fight at school? They don’t have the guts!
Read also: Who Invented School: the Who, What & Why of Our Modern Education System.
Funny End-of-the-School-Year Jokes for Kids

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- Where do sheep go on vacation? The Baaaa-hamas!
- Which students never miss school over the summer? All of them—no one misses going to school during the summer!
- What subject do caterpillars miss most over the summer? Moth-ematics!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Justin. Justin who? Just in time for the last day of school!
- What did the student say when her teacher asked her to pay a little attention on the last day of school? “But I’m already paying as little attention as I can!”
- What do lobsters do on the last day of school? Shell-abrate!
- Why was the obtuse angle sad on the last day of school? Because he hadn’t been right all year!
- What did the student say when his mom asked how he’d found school on the last day? “I just got off the bus and there it was!”
- Why are teachers so rude over the summer? Because they have no class!
- The past, present, and future walked into class on the last day of school…it was tense!
- What is the capital of Washington? The W!
- What kind of trees will math teachers be climbing over the summer? Geometries!
- Why did the elementary school student do his homework on the airplane? Because he wanted a higher education!
- What friend does a student never see during vacation? Their princi-pal!
- What meals do math teachers eat during the summer? Square meals.
- Will you learn statistics in school next year? It’s probable!
- What is a math teacher’s favorite sum? Sum-mer!
- Why did the robot go on summer vacation? Because he wanted to recharge his batteries!
- What school supplies are tired for the whole summer? A knapsack!
- Why did the teacher forget to take attendance during the last days of school? Because she was absent-minded!
- Why did the school clock get in trouble on the last day of term? Because it tocked too much!
- Why did the student sit on a clock on the last day of school? Because he wanted to be on time!
- Why did the M&M go to summer school? He wanted to be a Smartie!
What Makes a Joke Good?

Trying to describe what makes a joke funny is tricky. What exactly are the magic ingredients that’ll get children (and adults!) rolling around in laughter? Great school jokes all set up a premise, or set-up, that leads to a punchline. This punchline can be silly or clever, a play on words, or something that shocks—as long as it’s clean and gets kids laughing.
The best kids’ jokes about school reference something children are familiar with in their classroom life and add some humor! Need some inspiration? There are plenty of nice examples you can find by checking out school jokes and puns online.
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Tips on How to Joke
Jokes can be a great way to lighten the mood and bring a little fun to the first or last days of school. Wherever you are in the school calendar, it’s a good idea to keep a few things in mind when telling school jokes for kids:
- Jokes should be clean and age-appropriate.
- The funniest jokes are likely to be those that bring some comedy to things they regularly experience and are familiar with at school.
- Use jokes to alter the mood, get kids’ attention, or provide distraction from stress.
- Be ready to explain the joke—especially in the case of younger kids!
- Encourage kids to come up with their own jokes—puns and wordplay can be a great way of encouraging children to explore and have fun with the English language.
Funny School Jokes—Giving Kids the Last Laugh!

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Education may be a serious business, but it offers plenty of opportunities for fun and laughter, too! Whether you have a child feeling a little wobbly on the morning of their first day of school, or a teacher wanting to bring some lightheartedness to class, a great school joke can work wonders.
Which of the jokes above most tickles your little one’s funny bone? Or do you have some tried and tested funny school jokes of your own that never fail to get kids laughing? We’d love to know—drop us a line (or a one-liner!) in the comments box below!
Why do kids love school jokes?
School jokes usually take a thing or subject that students are very familiar with and add humor, or turn it on its head, something that kids find hilarious. They often involve a level of gentle disparagement regarding teachers or school subjects, which kids appreciate, too!
What are the most important things to remember when telling a school joke?
When telling a school joke, the most important thing is to ensure the joke is clean and age-appropriate.
What is one of the funniest last-day-of-school jokes?
You can find lots of last-day-of-school jokes in our article above. One of the funniest is: Why was the obtuse angle sad on the last day of school? Because he hadn’t been right all year!
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