How to Draw a Rabbit? Easy Step-By-Step Guide!

We delve into the step-by-step process of mastering how to draw a rabbit, unlocking the secrets to capturing the charm and character of these beloved creatures on paper.
Rabbits have been a source of inspiration worldwide for centuries, but drawing one may present more challenges than you anticipate. Bunnies are small and fluffy, making them irresistibly endearing—yet it takes skill to capture their unique characteristics accurately in art form!
Fortunately, we can help if you’re wondering how to draw a rabbit. Our easy-to-follow tutorials provide expert insight into all aspects of rabbit drawing: anatomy, fur textures, and movement patterns included. So, let’s start sketching these little cuties together!
- The Materials You’ll Need to Draw a Bunny or Rabbit
- How to Draw a Bunny Rabbit: Easy Step-By-Step Guide
- How to Draw a Realistic Rabbit: Instruction
- How to Draw a Rabbit Face?
- Tips and Tricks for Drawing Rabbits
- Interesting Facts about Rabbits
- Ideas for Insperation
The Materials You’ll Need to Draw a Bunny or Rabbit

New Africa/
- Pencil: To draw a bunny, you will need a pencil. If you don’t have a pencil, any other type of writing utensil will work just as well.
- Paper: You will also need some paper. If you don’t have any at home, you can easily find them in any store. You can also opt for a sketch pad.
- Coloring Materials: This is totally up to your choice. You may use crayons or colored pencils.
- A compass or a circle tool: You will need this to achieve accurate shapes in your bunny drawing.
- Eraser: An eraser is optional, but we recommend using one to erase any mistakes you make while drawing.
- Measuring scale: You’ll need this when drawing the eyes and ears of the rabbit. Helpful to achieve even spacing between the eyes of the bunny.
How to Draw a Bunny Rabbit: Easy Step-By-Step Guide
Are you looking for an easy way to draw a rabbit? Look no further than this 7-step tutorial! It is designed with kids and teens in mind, providing a simple yet practical guide on drawing a bunny.
Following the step-by-step instructions will ensure that even those with basic drawing skills can draw a convincing version of the beloved animal. We are going to divide this tutorial into seven steps in a row. You will see that they are straightforward to follow for any child or beginner artist.
Step 1

Heike Brauer/
The first step is to draw your bunny’s head. To do this, start by drawing a circle in the center of your sheet.
Step 2

Heike Brauer/
If you want a minimally realistic rabbit, it must be able to hear over long distances. To do this, draw two large ears in the shape of petals on top of the circle.
Step 3

Heike Brauer/
Now, add two small circles to create your bunny’s eyes and a few lines inside to make his whiskers.
Also, draw an oval-shaped nose horizontally, a line for the mouth, and two long teeth just below.
Step 4

Heike Brauer/
Next, we’ll draw a long curve to draw the back of your bunny and two smaller ones to create the belly.
Step 5

Heike Brauer/
Now, we draw some ovals. Draw several to create the legs but also smaller ones for the paws of your rabbit. Again, to keep our bunny looking realistic, it needs to be able to jump, and for that, it needs strong and well-built legs.
Step 6

Heike Brauer/
Finally, draw a small circle at the end of your rabbit’s body to form a tail.
Step 7

Heike Brauer/
Your bunny drawing is now complete! Do not hesitate to add a little pink on the nose or colors to this drawing.
How to Draw a Realistic Rabbit: Instruction
Step 1

To begin, we invite you to draw the eyes. To make them, you can draw two small eyes tilted vertically and in the shape of an almond. Be sure to leave a space of more or less 0.4 inches between the two. Again, utilize your measuring scale for this step.
Step 2

Next, if you want your rabbit to be able to breathe, then draw a nose. Make a circular, hollow nose between the two eyes. Pay attention that it is a little lower than the eyes to make your bunny look realistic, as required.
Step 3

Your bunny may get hungry! So, now you’ll draw a mouth for him to eat his lettuce and carrots. To do this, draw a large “W” under your rabbit’s nose. Make sure that the middle part of your “W” meets the bottom of the nose. Next, draw a curved line just below to create the chin.
Step 4

Now you will draw your rabbit a head and nice big whiskers! For the head, draw a triangle made up of small hollows all along to create the effect of rabbit fur.
Next, make big lines between your rabbit’s mouth and nose to create his whiskers. These are a must for adding some charm to your bunny drawing.
Step 5

Soon, you’ll complete the drawing of your realistic rabbit! Now we need our rabbit to be able to hear, and it’s time to give him his ears. For these, draw them by drawing two curved, inverted “V”s on either side of the top of your bunny’s head. Make sure they’re pointing sideways and make sure they’re pointing in opposite directions to each other. If you want more details, add a line on the ears.
Step 6

A realistic rabbit isn’t realistic if it doesn’t have a body! Start by drawing a curved line, a little fuzzy, under your rabbit’s head to create his neck. Then make two blurred semi-circles below the neck, which you drew before. Now, draw a curved semi-circle, starting from below the right ear, and work your way down to the neck to create its rounded back.
Step 7

Here we are! The last step of the tutorial before your realistic rabbit drawing is finished. If your rabbit wants to hop around or play with his friends, he must have legs. Draw the front legs below the neck with three grooves to create the fingers on each. Then make a longer and slightly hollow leg with four grooves this time; these are its hind legs.
How to Draw a Rabbit Face?
Suppose you only need to draw a rabbit’s face for your art project. Well, the following tutorial will help you out with just that.
Step 1

Inspiration GP/
We start by drawing two circles which will serve as a guiding base for drawing the rabbit’s head.
Step 2

Inspiration GP/
Next, draw marks in the second circle.
Step 3

Inspiration GP/
You’ll start tracing the outlines and making the ears. Then you can draw the eyes.
Step 4

Inspiration GP/
Move on to the details by drawing the muzzle with the whiskers. Finally, draw the ears.
Step 5

Inspiration GP/
In the final step, redo the outlines by drawing the hairs. Add a few small strokes in a few places to make the hair appear more realistic.
And there you have it. You have entirely drawn the face of a rabbit!
Tips and Tricks for Drawing Rabbits

If you want to level up your rabbit drawing game, here are a few pro tips to help you get there! Then, with these steps and tricks under your belt, impress yourself with more interesting renderings of bunnies.
- Don’t rush; instead, take your time. Being patient and practicing are the keys to drawing. But, of course, it’s all right that some rabbits will turn out finer than others.
- Start your drawing using a light pencil so you can correct any mistakes immediately. The lines can always be made darker later.
- To help you draw a rabbit with the perfect proportions, use reference photos as a guide.
- You can give your bunny different ears and a different expression, as well as some other accessories. For example, a bowtie, a top hat, or even a pair of sunglasses might be added.
Interesting Facts about Rabbits

Dominik Belica/
Now that you’ve learned how to draw a rabbit, let us share some exciting facts about these furry animals that are bound to amaze you.
1. Rabbits don’t only eat carrots
Many of us think nothing of giving our beloved bunnies carrots as a snack—after all, cartoons tell us to! But wild rabbits don’t eat only vegetables such as carrots and turnips; they opt for greens like grasses and clover for maximum nutrition. And while an occasional carrot is okay, note that too many may lead to tooth decay in 11% percent of our rabbit friends—something we wouldn’t wish on the fluffiest bunny around!
2. Some rabbits can be the size of a human child

Flemish giant rabbit. Kateryna_Moroz/
If you think all rabbits are little balls of fluff, then prepare to be surprised! The Flemish giant rabbit—the world’s largest breed—can grow up to an astonishing 2.5 feet long and weigh a whopping 22 pounds.
Yet, despite their hulking size, they have gentle personalities making them great companions for animal lovers everywhere.
3. Baby rabbits are called kittens
It’s common to call them bunnies, but the scientific term for baby rabbits is kits. Momma rabbits are known as does, and adult males go by bucks—bunny has joined the ranks of puppy and kitty in terms that evoke cuteness!
4. Rabbits do a “binky” when they’re happy
Rabbit Binky. Credit:
Rabbits display one of the most positive behaviors in nature — performing a binky! This charming trick involves hopping joyfully and doing a cute airborne twist that will make you smile.
5. Rabbits groom themselves as cats do
Rabbits are true clean freaks! Their grooming habits rival those of cats, licking their fur and paws to stay pristine. That’s why owners don’t need to worry about bathing these furry little friends—rabbits do it all themselves!
6. Rabbits are experts at jumping
Rabbit jump. Credit:
Those powerful back legs give rabbits more than just style! In fact, their multiple long jumps have earned them a Guinness World Record—the highest vertical leap measured at 3.26 feet and the longest distance of almost 10 feet! Fancy some friendly competition? There are even rabbit-jumping events for owners to show off how fast and agile their beloved pets can be.
7. Rabbits are hard to catch
Outsmarting their predators, the cottontail rabbit can be a tactical genius! With its keen senses and speedy legs, it boasts an impressive velocity of 18 mph. While running across open fields, they employ a mischievous zig-zag technique to dodge hungry hunters―truly showing why these adorably furry critters are known as “wascally wabbits.”
8. Their ears help them stay cool
A rabbit’s ears are not just for show—they offer a dual purpose of keeping them safe and relaxed. By rotating their giant lugholes up to 270 degrees, bunnies can hone in on potential threats from over two miles away! And like extra vents to an air conditioner, the large surface area also helps dispel heat when temperatures start rising.
Ideas for Insperation
We’re hopeful that our easy step-by-step tutorials will help kids and their parents learn how to draw a funny or realistic rabbit. Moreover, there are many ideas and resources available on the internet that you can refer to when drawing a rabbit. Finally, we hope these tutorials have inspired you.
Do share your own bunny drawings with us on social media with #drawingwithPingo hashtag—we can’t wait to see them!
The picture on the front page: antibydni/
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