Parental Tips

Toddler Boy Haircut Ideas: A Guide for Parents

If you’ve got a toddler at home, you’ll know how fast their hair can grow—and if you don’t act in time, it can quickly look messy or disheveled. Luckily, there are lots of lovely little boy haircuts to choose from to help your little man look his best.

Read on for toddler boy haircut ideas, including some styles you can create from the comfort of your own home.


Top Little Boys Haircuts

Let’s dive right in and look at some of our favorite toddler boys’ haircuts.

Gentleman Style


The gentleman-style cut is an elegant, classy, and timeless hairstyle that works for boys and men of pretty much any age. It features a short length, especially along the back and sides, with a neat and tidy side parting to finish. It’s a great option for toddler boys, as it’s very short and clean, and it can make them look super cute, while also adding a dash of maturity.

Spiky Style

little boys fade haircut


If there’s one thing lots of little boys love, it’s spiky hair. They like to look in the mirror and see their bangs sticking up or other bits of hair defying gravity and pointing to the sky. A spiky style might be a good fit for your kid. This style involves mid-length hair all over, with a bit extra left on top that you can spike up and style with gel, wax, or other hair products.


toddler boy hairstyles


If your little guy has a bit of a punk or rocker attitude, maybe a cool mohawk could be the dream cut for him! This style is quite daring and bold among older people and full-grown men, but tends to always look cute and fun on toddlers. It features a thick section of hair spiked up along the top of the hair, with short or even completely shaved sides.

Faux Hawk

low fade taper toddler boy haircuts


Closely connected to the mohawk, but not quite the same, the faux hawk is basically a softer and not quite as extreme version of the mohawk. It still has that spiky central part, but the sides are left longer, helping the hawk blend in with the rest of the hair. This produces a less dramatic effect, perfect for parents who like the punk vibe of the mohawk but don’t want to take it too far.

The High Fade

toddler haircuts boy


The high fade is a fantastic haircut for toddler boys for a couple of key reasons. The best bit about this cut is that it makes the sides really short, so they take a while to grow back and get messy, which means your son won’t need quite as many cuts quite as often. It also looks really trendy right now and suits different types of hair. It features shaved sides with more hair on top.

Buzz Cut

little boy haircut


Next, the buzz cut. This can be a good fit for younger toddlers or those who are really energetic. It’s also a cut you can pull off from the comfort of your home, as it doesn’t require much precision. It simply involves shaving off hair all over the head. It’s low-maintenance, easy, and you can wait a while before the next cut, once you’ve done it once.

Afro with Precision Lines

toddler boy haircuts


Cutting and styling the hair of Black boys is usually quite different from other races and demands a different approach. For a young Black boy with a natural afro, cutting the afro short and then adding some sharp precision line cuts along the top of the forehead or into the sides can be a great way for your son to look super stylish in no time at all.

Shaved Design

low maintenance short fade little boy haircuts


Another fun cut for boys of any race and background is the shaved design style. This is when a trained and skilled stylist or barber uses a razor or precision clippers to cut a shape or pattern into the side or back of the boy’s hair. Combined with a high fade or curly hair on top, it can look very cool, and it is a guaranteed hit with many young boys.

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A Little Boys’ Haircut You Can Do at Home—Tutorial

We’ve seen some example hairstyles to try for toddler boys. Now, let’s look at a simple style you can do at home. This one is easy, convenient, and should work fine for a lot of boys, though you may have to make some minor adjustments, depending on your son’s specific hair length and type.

What You’ll Need

fade taper little boy haircuts


Here’s a quick list of all the supplies you’ll usually need to pull off this simple toddler boy haircut:

  • A safe clipper set for kids’ hair
  • Some barber shears or scissors
  • An umbrella cape or towel to catch the hair as it falls
  • A spray bottle filled with water to wet certain sections of hair
  • A comb or brush to comb your child’s hair in between snips
  • A comfy chair for your little fellow to sit in

How to Prepare

It’s best to get absolutely everything ready for your son’s cut before you actually sit them down and start snipping. That way, there won’t be any delays once the cut starts, and your son has less chance of getting bored or irritable from sitting around for so long. So make sure you get all your supplies ahead of time.

How to Do It

For this simple cut, which has a short back and sides and a stylish finish, here are all the instructions you need:

  1. Prepare all your supplies and find a good spot to cut (more on that later). Get your son all ready to go in a cozy chair with his cape or towel wrapped around his shoulders.
  2. Begin with the sides and lower back of the hair. Use a grade two on your clippers. Part the hair using the comb and pin the higher parts back, or separate them, so they don’t get accidentally trimmed away.
  3. Beginning at the bottom and moving slowly upward, use the clippers to shear the hair. Use short, simple, consistent movements and pull the clippers away from the head as you rise, to create a kind of gradient, with the shortest bits at the bottom, getting slightly longer as you rise. Do this all around the back and sides.
  4. Switch over to a grade three for the clippers and then repeat the process higher up, at the top of the sides and the crown. Again, pull away as you rise, so that the higher parts of the hair aren’t cut quite as much. Step back from time to time, too, to see how it’s going and spot any uneven areas.
  5. Grab your comb and shears. Comb out 1-inch bits of hair on top of the head, and trim off the ends. Try to angle your scissors downward, into the hair, rather than just cutting along it horizontally. Repeat this all over the top, until you get the length you’re looking for.
  6. Step back, assess how the cut’s looking, make any final cuts and alterations, and finish off by applying a bit of kid-safe hair wax or gel to style your child’s hair, if you like. Or just spray it wet with some water to style.

Where to Do the Cut

toddler boy haircuts thin hair


As well as knowing how to do this haircut, it’s important to think about where you’re going to do it, too. Location really matters when cutting a kid’s hair, as the right setting may help them feel much more at ease, while also making it much easier for you to collect the cut-off hair and tidy up once you’re done.

A lot of parents like to cut kids’ hair in the shower or bath. This way, the hair falls directly into the tub or onto the shower floor, and you can either rinse it away or gather the big bits up to toss in the trash. Alternatively, you could cut the hair outdoors, as it’ll just blow away in the wind, and the outdoor setting may keep your little ones more occupied while they wait.

Tips and Tricks

Finally, a few nifty tips to help you with a successful haircut:

  • Choose Your Timing: Ideally, you want to pick a moment when your son isn’t too distracted, energetic, hungry, or in any kind of bad mood. Pick a time when they’re relatively chilled out and ready to sit still for a while.
  • Use Distractions: There’s no harm in putting the TV on for a while in the background while you do the cut or asking a friend or family member to come round and chat with your toddler while they have their hair cut.
  • Take Breaks: Often, little kids need breaks during haircuts as they don’t always like sitting still for too long. Feel free to take breaks as needed so your little man doesn’t get worked up or annoyed.

There you have it—lots of wonderful toddler boy haircut ideas to try out on your own little boy, whether he has baby-fine or thin hair or even wavy locks. Each one is different, with its own unique style and personality, and some may work better for your son than others, depending on his age and hair type throughout the years. That’s why it’s worth trying a few options or even getting your child involved in the process to pick their favorite before you start.

Don’t forget to share this guide around, too, so other moms and dads have ideas when cutting their own kids’ hair!


2 years baby boy hair style

Sergey Novikov/

How often should a 4-year-old boy get a haircut?

There’s no hard and fast rule for how often a 4-year-old boy has to have his hair cut, as it all depends on his own sense of style and what sort of hair length he likes. However, on average, 4-year-olds tend to need cuts every couple of months, or around every 10 weeks to keep their hair nice and tidy.

How often should I wash a toddler’s hair?

It depends on a few factors, but you usually don’t need to wash a toddler’s hair as often as you would your own. Just once or twice a week can suffice, but for kids with different types of hair, like very curly or dry hair, less regular washing (once a week or once every 10 days) may be enough.

Related: No More Tears at Bath Time: Choosing the Best Shampoo for Kids.

How can I make my child feel more comfortable during haircuts?

There are a few different approaches. First, it’s good to get your little ones prepared for haircuts by maybe practicing at home, visiting the salon in advance, and talking with them so they know what to expect. You can also praise and offer a reward at the end if your child behaves well and takes breaks during the cut now and then to let them stretch out and do other things.

When should a boy get their first haircut?

There’s no fixed date or age a boy has to have his first haircut. It’s a completely personal choice that depends on your own tastes, needs, and situation. Some parents get their little ones’ hair cut earlier on, around 7/8 months. Others do it around their first birthday. Others wait much longer, up to the age of two or higher.

What is the best haircut for little boys?

There’s no single best haircut for little boys, as there are so many different styles out there and people have very different views and preferences. Some moms and dads might want their little boy to have short hair, for example, and others might favor longer styles. A neat and tidy look can work well to avoid unwanted knots, tangles, and messes in the hair.

When to cut toddler boy hair?

It’s completely up to you when to cut a toddler boy’s hair, but try not to wait until it’s too long that it becomes unkempt and tangled, as that might cause pain or discomfort for your child. Cut it when you feel the time is right or when your little one seems ready and interested in the idea of a new look.

The picture on the front page: ARTEM VOROPAI/

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