Parenting Checklist

Inside Roblox: How to Keep It Safe for Children

Just as parents were getting used to Minecraft, a new gaming obsession has taken over—Roblox. What is it? How can you help your child avoid negative influences and gaming addiction? Is it safe from predators? Let’s tackle all your parental concerns about this popular platform.

What is Roblox?

Roblox isn’t just a game; it’s an entire platform where kids can:

  • Play games created by other users
  • Create their own games
  • Interact with other players

The developers’ main concept is to give each player the ability to create games and invite others to play. It’s like a giant sandbox where everyone can play, create their own toys, and share them with others.

On Roblox, you can bring all kinds of ideas to life, from simple arcade games to complex projects that involve 3D models and programming.

How Does Roblox Impact Children?


What’s Positive:

  • Creativity: Kids can try their hand at game development and create their own games.
  • Technology: It offers a great introduction to 3D graphics and basic programming concepts.
  • Social Skills: Many games require cooperation and teamwork with other players.

What’s Negative:

  • Inappropriate Content: Some games feature scenes that aren’t suitable for children, and not all of the games are moderated.
  • Unplanned Spending: Roblox offers in-game currency (“Robux”), and kids can accidentally (or not-so-accidentally) spend real money.
  • Strangers and Online Safety: Despite moderation, there are often aggressive comments in chats, including cyberbullying, insults, manipulation, inappropriate language, and threats.

How to Ensure Your Child’s Safety on Roblox

App stats in Findmykids

It’s very likely that your child is already familiar with Roblox and may be spending time on the platform. Forbidding Roblox might lead to your child using it secretly. You can instead guide your child in navigating this virtual world. Here’s how you can make the platform safer:

  1. Use Parental Controls—Both Internal and External:
    • Restrict profile access to friends only: Settings → Privacy
    • Set up chat filters to ensure your child communicates only with friends
    • Use the app’s built-in filters to block inappropriate messages
    • Activate the App Blocker function in the Findmykids app to limit screen time or, if you prefer, to block access completely
  2. Check the Games Your Child Plays:
    • Pay attention to age recommendations for games and make sure they are appropriate for your child’s age and interests
    • Employ the Phone Usage function in the Findmykids app to monitor app installations and see what your child is interested in
  3. Teach Your Child Internet Safety:
    • Talk about not sharing personal information online
    • Explain the importance of avoiding conversations with strangers
    • Ensure your child understands that virtual item purchases should only happen with your permission
  4. Engage in Your Child’s Gaming Life:
    • Discuss the storylines, characters, and other aspects of the games
    • Ask what your child likes about the games and why
    • Play together!

Pro Tip: In the account settings, find the More button (three dots at the bottom of the screen), then click Settings. Under Security, enable Account Restrictions. This will hide content from your child that hasn’t been approved by Roblox curators.

Talking with your child about what is OK and what’s not OK online will help ensure safety, not only on Roblox, but on other platforms as well. Keep the conversation open and let your child know it’s always safe to come to you with questions or concerns.


  1. Roblox Dictionary
  2. What is Roblox? Parents’ guide to playing safely. InternetMatters
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