Parental Tips

What Is the “Sad Beige Mom” Trend and Why Are Parents Talking About It?

Have you heard people talking about the sad beige mom or sad beige baby trend? It’s all over social media at the moment, with many people sharing their hot takes and views on the issue. But what exactly is a ‘sad beige mom’ and what is this trend all about? Read on for all the answers.


What Is a Sad Beige Mum?

sad beige baby


Let’s kick things off with a definition. As you may have heard terms like ‘sad beige parenting’ or ‘sad beige children’ floating around, and have no idea what they’re talking about.

In simple terms, the sad beige baby or sad beige mom trend is a recent (over the last few years) trend of parents picking very neutral colors, like beige, gray, and cream for all things related to their babies. They decorate the nurseries in shades of beige, dress their babies in beige-like tones, and even eschew brightly-colored toys for their children, too.


forever a sad beige mom 🤎🤍 everything linked in my LTK! #momsoftiktok #toddlersoftiktok #toddlerroom #toddlerplayroom #toddlerbedroom #girlmom #boymom #sadbiegebaby #sadbeigemom #toddlermom #momlife #momof2 #sahm #sahmoftiktok #momtok #youngmom #homedecor #neutralaesthetic #neutraldecor #neutralmom #cleanaesthetic #nurserydecor #motherhood #sahmof2 #minivlog #momcontent #roomdecor #redecorating #toddleroominspo #toddlerbed #sadbeigetoddler #secondtimemom

♬ My Love Mine All Mine – Mitski


This stems from a more widespread appreciation of neutral and earthy tones in interior design and decor in general. With the popularization of social media and more and more people showing off their homes online, a lot of people opt for these kinds of colors due to their “universal appeal.” The sad beige trend is simply an extension of that idea into the nursery.

Where Did ‘Sad Beige’ Come From?

Like a lot of big trends and popular terms nowadays, the idea of beige moms and beige kids has its roots in social media.

Specifically, a TikTok creator called Hayley DeRoche invented the term through her account “That Sad Beige Lady.” On the account, DeRoche shares images and videos of babies, moms, and young children in beige settings or beige clothes and adds humorous narration over the top, often suggesting that the babies and families in question look sad, lost, or lonely.

@curiouslymedia Do you love or hate sad beige baby? 🍼 #sadbeigebaby #mollymae #sadbeigetoys ♬ original sound – Curiously

As for how the trend itself started, as discussed above, it’s simply an extension of a design and decor trend that has already been gaining a lot of popularity. In recent years, many homeowners have moved away from bold, bright colors in favor of softer, gentler, more neutral tones, and there are various reasons for this, which we’ll dig into in the next sections.

What Is the Allure of a Beige Color Palette?

beige baby trend


There are many advantages to a beige or neutral color palette for interior design. A lot of people, for example, find that beige and similar tones are more calming and soothing to surround oneself with. Their neutrality also goes well with so many different items of furniture, so it’s easy to work with beige in decor compared to, say, crimson or olive green.

Beige color palettes are also, in many ways, timeless. Trends in colors can come and go quite quickly, and you might really like the idea of a blue kitchen one year, but find it off-putting a few years later, forcing you to redesign and redecorate on a regular basis. Sticking with beige tones helps to produce a more appealing aesthetic in the long term.

Why Are Mothers Choosing Nudes?

sad beige children

StoryTime Studio/

So, we know why the average person might like to decorate their home in beige. But why are moms, in particular, opting for this shade over others?

Here are some of the many reasons:

  • Aesthetics: A lot of moms simply appreciate the gentle and aesthetically pleasing nature of beige and other soft creamy shades of color. Such shades, as discussed above, are soothing and pleasant for many people when compared to brighter, bolder colors that may feel oppressive or even intimidating, like rich reds or cold blues.
  • Genderless: In the past, it was common to paint nurseries in blue for boys and pink for girls. But, as attitudes towards gender have shifted, many parents prefer to opt for more neutral tones, like beige. This is also a good color to choose when you’re preparing a nursery for a baby that hasn’t been born when you don’t know its gender yet.
  • Less Stimulating: Many moms say that they opt for beige clothes, toys, and decorations for their children in order to avoid overstimulating them. Kids are easily distracted and excited by toys, sounds, and colors. Placing them in beige rooms may help them be calmer and more focused on learning and development.
  • Sustainable: There’s also an ecological argument to be made in favor of beige tones and beige nurseries free of multicolored plastic toys and accessories. A lot of colorful baby items are made in unsustainable ways, crafted from harmful plastics, while neutral, wooden or beige items tend to be more eco-friendly and sustainable.
  • Fewer Toxins: Continuing on from the previous point, a lot of those plastic toys and colorful baby and child items also contain lots of toxins. That’s why so many toys come with warnings on the label about toxins or chemicals in the paint. By eschewing such colorful items, parents expose their children to fewer harmful materials, in theory.

Critics’ and Medical Professionals’ Issues With “Sad Beige Parenting”

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Katrina Era/

While there are clearly some arguments to be made in favor of the sad beige mom trend, a lot of people, including medical experts, have criticized it, too.

A lot of critics can be found on social media, including the aforementioned Hayley DeRoche. DeRoche humorously narrates clips and images of sad beige parenting in action in a German accent, mimicking the German filmmaker, Werner Herzog. However, in interviews, DeRoche says she understands why some parents follow this trend.

She says that “having an aesthetic… is a valiant attempt at maintaining the illusion of control,” suggesting that some parents stick to beige tones to avoid feeling like their lives have completely been taken over by their children. DeRoche, for reference, is a mother of two children herself.

Other TikTok users and social media moms have shared their takes on the issue. One, Alison Cosner, said that while she enjoys neutral tones like many other people, she painted her children’s rooms in bright shades because it’s important for their development and understanding of color.

Medical experts say that babies gain color vision by the age of around five months, and colors do indeed play a role in their development. Children use colors in patterns and shapes to discern different objects, learn about the world, and process the things they see. It also helps with their language.

For example, a lot of children associate green with grass, yellow with the sun, and blue with the sky. Colors and shades help them estimate and understand the many objects they’re introduced to in those all-important early months and years of life, and colors like red, blue, and yellow are some of the first words and concepts many toddlers learn.

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Is the “Sad Beige Baby” Aesthetic Harmful to Babies?

beige mom meaning


As the previous section shows, there are downsides to sad beige parenting, as well as certain advantages. But is this trend actually harmful to babies? Could it damage your child’s development or stunt their abilities to learn new things and recognize the colors of the world?

Well, not necessarily. In fact, there is evidence to support the positive aspects of the sad beige mom trend. Studies do indeed show that babies and young children are sensitive and sometimes stimulated by bright colors. So, having softer, more neutral colors around them, can help them rest, relax, and focus.

Beige rooms also benefit parents in a similar way. Lots of people find beige shades to be soothing and relaxing. And when you’re a parent, you’re already in a high-stress, high-anxiety state more often than the average person, so the presence of those beige colors could help you relax a little more easily or even get more sleep.

When you’re calm, your baby will naturally tend to be calmer too. So, it can be a win-win for everyone. Equally, when babies are very young, the decor of a nursery is arguably more for the parents than the children themselves. So, if you enjoy the look and feel of the space, you’ll feel more comfortable there and want to spend more time there with your little one.

At the same time, beige nurseries and children’s bedrooms aren’t for everyone. They do have some downsides and the absence of colors, toys, and fun decor items may indeed cause some children to be a little delayed in certain areas, like color recognition and association. That’s not to say that a beige room will have long-term negative effects on your child, but it’s still worth keeping in mind.

Summing Up: Understand the Risks and Rewards of the Sad Beige Mom

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Ground Picture/

Overall, the sad beige mom trend may be widely mocked online, but it’s not necessarily as bad as it seems. While some see it as an obsessed or even narcissistic approach to parenting, it can also be a way to create a soothing environment for your newborn or infant. The use of natural fibers and traditional materials can offer a sense of comfort and simplicity, which is often the goal of minimalism.

However, it’s important to consider every aspect of this trend, including the potential lack of joy and vibrancy that bright colors and playful designs can bring into a child’s life. While celebrities may embrace this aesthetic, parents should be mindful of the balance between creating a calming space and one that feels too controlled or devoid of color. The authority and popularity surrounding this trend might make it appealing, but remember that a child’s world is meant to be filled with curiosity and exploration, not just pastel hues and minimalist designs.

Before fully committing to the sad beige aesthetic, weigh the pros and cons, and consider how it aligns with your parenting values. Share this guide with others so they can understand both the appeal and the potential pitfalls of this trend.


beige moms

New Africa/

Who Are Beige Moms?

Beige moms are those who choose to decorate their children’s spaces, like nurses and playrooms, in beige tones and dress their children in beige colors.

What Are Beige Children?

Beige children are those who wear a lot of beige or similarly-colored clothing and tend not to have many bright-colored toys or decorations in their rooms.

How To Avoid a Sad Beige House?

To avoid a sad beige house, embrace other colors beyond beige. You can still have beige walls and floors but add in other elements like colorful furniture, art, rugs, and decor to liven up the rooms.

The picture on the front page: Foxy burrow/

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