Exploring the Debate: Is Cocomelon Bad for Kids’ Development?

Is CoComelon bad for kids? That’s a question that a lot of moms and dads have been asking of late, given the huge rise in popularity of this animated show aimed at babies and toddlers.
It’s been around since 2006 and proved popular with several generations of youngsters on streaming platforms like Netflix and video sites like YouTube. But is it safe to show it to your kids, or are there some risks? That’s what we’ll try to discover in the article below.
- What Is It and When Did CoComelon Start? Age Rating
- What Is CoComelon About?
- Is CoComelon Bad or Good?
- Should Kids Watch CoComelon?
- How Can Parents Help Kids Get the Benefits of CoComelon without the Risks?
- FAQs
What Is It and When Did CoComelon Start? Age Rating
Credit: nypost.com
It took until 2018 to return to CoComelon, along with the new graphics and content. The YouTube channel has become available in other languages, ranging from German and Chinese to Spanish and Arabic. In 2020 the Moonbug media conglomerate acquired CoCoMelon. It’s now a part of the Candle Media, which has executive producers who once were a part of Disney.
Today, the CoComelon channel has over 168 million subscribers and over 170 billion views. The cartoon portrays the adventures of JJ and his family. They play together, explore the world, and go to the nursery. While throwing tantrums and visiting different locations, our heroes also try to teach viewers about numbers, letters, and other things.
CoComelon is a kid-friendly content, so it’s up to parents to decide when their children can watch it. Experts mention that watching TV can negatively influence kids under the age of two. It’s why they recommend a child reach at least two before they can watch this and other animated shows.
What Is CoComelon About?
A lot of CoComelon videos are mostly made up of singing segments, with 3D animated scenes showing babies and other characters singing popular nursery rhymes and other shows. Typically, the lyrics of each song appear on screen, so kids can sing along with the characters.
There’s also the CoComelon Lane show, which is an offshoot of the CoComelon universe and available exclusively on Netflix, which follows more of a typical preschool show format, with speaking sequences and educational segments in addition to the nursery rhymes and singalongs.
Is CoComelon Bad or Good?

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If you are asking, “Is CoComelon bad for kids?” because of the story, the answer is no. The story is similar to any other cartoon, psychologists say. The show doesn’t produce any scenes with sensitive content like bad words, so there’s no worrying that could impact the viewers negatively.
Instead, you can see a lot of laughs, songs, and rhymes about bath time, good manners, and other themes. That’s welcome for parents since it presents a teaching asset to help their babies understand the world around them better. Having a break or some time to make dinner because something else occupies the kid’s attention is another advantage of CoComelon for parents.
Why do people say that the content is bad for kids, then? Is CoComelon addictive, and to what extent? Some claim that the show is hyperstimulating, and they base this on how frequently the authors change the scenes.
In short, there are arguments on both sides in terms of whether this popular children’s show has a negative impact or positive impact on young kids. Clinical psychologist experts and academic studies have even looked at how it can impact social interactions, mental health, cognitive skills, and whether it may contribute to issues like speech delays or attention disorders, especially in children who have excessive screen time.
With that in mind, here’s a closer look at the positive effects and potential downsides.
Positive Effects of CoComelon

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1. Engaging
Given that this source of entertainment is aimed at young children and designed especially for this particular audience, many people, like parents, say that it’s a great way to get their kids engaged and entertained, when used in moderation. It can keep kids occupied and happy for brief periods when parents may need a break or to do something else.
2. Educational
There’s also a lot of evidence that shows CoComelon and its spin-offs, like CoComelon Lane, provide helpful educational content and are therefore positive examples of screen time in action. They may help kids with problem-solving skills, speech therapy, and share positive stories and fun songs to inspire them.
3. Reading Skills
As stated earlier on, a key feature of this screen-based activity is that the lyrics of the various songs actually show up on the screen, with a little pointer guiding the viewer through the songs and phrases. This means that CoComelon may be helpful for little ones who are just learning to read, as it provides a fun way for them to practice and hone their skills.
5. Good Messages
Many people believe that CoComelon has a lot of good messages and positivity to spread. It’s generally a very upbeat and happy show, and the stories in CoComelon YouTube videos and CoComelon Lane episodes are designed to teach kids good lessons about being themselves, respecting each other, and having fun in safe and harmless ways.
CoCoMelon Negative Effects

1. Constant Stimulation
Critics argue that CoComelon triggers a high level of stimulation in young viewers, because of how quickly it changes views and scenes. For some comparison, the show My Little Pony switches the scenery every four to five seconds. Unlike that, you can see that CoComelon does this every couple of seconds. The initial worry is that this could lead to attention span disorders and cause problems with focusing and awareness.
2. Mental Health Worries
Another worry is that the CoComelon show is a stimulant that leads to releasing too much dopamine. Dopamine is the feel-good hormone that boosts motivation and feelings of happiness and pleasure. The problem is that the frequent changes of scenery cause a dopamine hit that offers too fast, and that can have behavioral effects. Some claim that the show acts like a drug that has a strong hit on children’s brain functions, which may affect mental health or even lead to symptoms of addiction.
3. Addiction Risks
Many parents joined the discussion with their examples. Some reported that their kids made a scene when they tried to turn off the show. Some parents mention that the level of crying and angry acts was above what they’ve seen up to that point. These effects usually wean off after a while, but most parents banned the cartoon because they were worried about their kids’ long-term state.
4. Excessive Screen Time
Just like any other TV show or video production, CoComelon could be dangerous to children if consumed in excess. Studies show that excessive screen time has negative effects on kids’ mental health and may even impair their social interactions with family and other kids, as they’re so obsessed with TVs and screens and keep craving that dopamine from screen time.
5. Shallow Content
As well as complaints about possible addiction risks and mental health issues from excessive screen time, some critics of CoComelon simply argue that it’s not a very deep educational program. They argue that most of the show is just nursery rhymes repeated over and over, without much content of substance, and some say that alternatives like Ms. Rachel are better for kids because they focus more on phonics, phrases, first words, and learning activities.
Should Kids Watch CoComelon?

Rokas Tenys/Shutterstock.com
A question like that can only be answered by the parents of the child in question, and every parent will have their own view on the matter which is fair and legitimate.
Some may see the evidence and arguments around the show and feel that it’s just too stimulating or risky to expose their kids to. Many parents even have strict “no screen time” rules for very young kids in general and wouldn’t let them watch anything, including CoComelon.
Some, however, may feel that the benefits of CoComelon and similar shows can outweigh the risks. Parents who struggle to find activities or ways to keep their kids entertained and engaged may appreciate a show like CoComelon that can engage their little ones in a possibly educational way.
Ultimately, it’s up to each parent or guardian to make their decision about what’s best for their kids. And the best way to do that is to look at both sides of the debate, understand the pros and the cons, and then make an informed choice.
How Can Parents Help Kids Get the Benefits of CoComelon without the Risks?

Perhaps you like the idea of letting your kids enjoy some CoComelon content so that they can learn fun nursery rhymes and potentially benefit in terms of their reading or speech. But you don’t want to expose them to unnecessary risks or dangers from excess screen time or overstimulation.
The trick for that is simple and can be summed up in a single word: moderation. Moderation is absolutely key when it comes to watching content like CoComelon or anything else aimed at young children.
If they watch in short bursts and enjoy a balanced lifestyle with plenty of other activities, like reading stories, going outside, and playing with blocks and toys, then they should have the best chance of enjoying the positive parts of this show without the downsides.
Again, that’s up to the parents. Moms and dads have to figure out what’s best for their kids and decide on the most appropriate times and durations to let their little ones watch shows like this one.
How Long Should Children Watch CoComelon?
Here’s an issue that’s not about CoComelon but about watching TV and spending time in front of the screen. Many studies indicate that kids under the age of two shouldn’t have access to digital media.
The American Academy of Pediatrics confirmed that even kids older than two years should have a screen time limit set at one or two hours.
Parents should decide the exact content that their kids can watch. It’s not about letting them browse YouTube or turning on an unknown channel on TV. Instead, parents should decide on which shows to watch and how long. That minimizes the risk of the content affecting kids’ brains in an undesirable way.
If you need assistance limiting screen time for children, you can use the Kids360 app. It’s available for both Android and iOS and can assist in restricting the total screen time your kid spends on their mobile device daily. Kids360 also allows creating tasks that your children can complete to receive extra screen time.
Some parents ask, “Is CoComelon brainwashing,” and no would probably be the answer to that question. The show’s content isn’t the problem, but the pace of changing the scenes. It’s what can be overstimulating to the child’s brain and lead to addiction.
Have you experienced any difficulty in stopping your child from watching CoComelon? Please share your impressions in the comment section and let us know if you find this show bad or good for children!

Is CoComelon good or bad for kids?
CoComelon does have an educational aspect, and its content is kid-friendly. However, many worry about it overstimulating the brains of the kids watching it, which could affect their attention spans.
What age is CoComelon Recommended for?
There’s no actual age limit, but experts indicate that kids under two years of age shouldn’t even be in front of screens. Between the ages of three and five, that time should be limited to an hour.
Is CoComelon family-friendly?
CoComelon is a family-friendly cartoon that is suitable for all ages. Parents might not find the story too deep or appealing because it’s tailored primarily for toddlers and young kids.
Is CoComelon addictive?
Some experts claim that the show causes hyperstimulation in children because it changes scenes in less than two seconds. That can result in addiction in children.
Is CoComelon too overstimulating?
There are different viewpoints on that matter, but some child development expert professionals do indeed argue that CoComelon is too stimulating for young children. It moves fast and has a lot of light, sound, and bright colors that can easily overstimulate very young children, and many parents find that their little ones are hyped up after watching it and it can therefore be harder to make them settle down or go to sleep.
What is the Netflix CoComelon controversy?
A recent controversy about CoComelon Lane on Netflix is that the show has shown signs of being progressive by including LGBTQ+ themes and ideas, like an episode that shows a boy wanting to try on traditionally girly clothes, like a tiara, and his parents encouraging him to just be himself and do what he likes without worrying about stigma. Some people have found this offensive.
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