Parental Tips

Engaging History Trivia Questions for Kids and Adults

Looking for a wide-ranging collection of history trivia questions to test your kids’ knowledge or to enjoy as part of a fun family challenge?

Whether you’re interested in American history, ancient civilizations, or the incredible feats of historical icons, our collection of history trivia questions has you covered. Below, you’ll find a wide range of quizzes, from easy to hard, covering various eras and corners of the globe.

History trivia questions spark curiosity and provide a fantastic way to learn more about the events, leaders, and inventions that have shaped our world. Get ready to discover fascinating facts, from the United States beginnings to the ancient civilizations of the past.


Why Practice Trivia Questions for Kids? – Yuri A/

You might be wondering, “Isn’t history something they just learn in school?” And you’re not wrong. But history trivia adds a whole new dimension to how kids think about and retain historical events, people, and timelines.

Here’s why it’s an idea worth exploring with your kids.

It Brings the Past to Life

Kids often think of history as a black-and-white photograph of long-dead people doing something far removed from their present-day lives. Trivia makes it personal.

By learning quirky details or surprising facts (did you know Napoleon was once attacked by a horde of rabbits?), they’ll see history as full of real, relatable moments. That 5th-century Viking? Suddenly more like an ancient action hero than some dull textbook figure.

Memory Boost

We’ve all struggled to remember those dates or names from history class. History trivia, however, turns rote memorization into playful recall.

Repeated exposure through fun questions cements facts in their minds without them realizing it’s happening. You’ll be amazed at how quickly they remember the Battle of Hastings once they’ve “aced” the question a couple of times!

Curiosity Spark

What starts as a one-off question—“Who was queen when Shakespeare was alive?”—can open the door to bigger inquiries. Trivia often leads to new interests in certain eras, movements, or characters. Think of it as planting a historical seed that could grow into a lifelong love for learning.

Family Bonding

Imagine a family trivia night centered around iconic moments in history. It’s a simple way to spend quality time together without screens, and you might just learn a thing or two yourself. Spoiler alert: You might even lose to your kid!

Tips for Working With Your Kid on History Trivia Questions

Monkey Business Images/

Now that you know the benefits, you’re probably itching to get started (or, at least, a little curious). Here are some smart tips to make sure your trivia sessions are effective, fun, and not just another chore in the day.

Start Small and Build Up

Begin with some easy, confidence-boosting questions. Think “Who was the first president of the United States?” or “Which ocean did Christopher Columbus sail across?” Once those feel like a breeze, slowly introduce more challenging ones, like historical dates or lesser-known figures.

Add Visuals

Did someone say visuals? Kids respond really well to pictures, maps, and even memes. Show them a photo of the Eiffel Tower when talking about its completion date. Use timelines or create a simple chart for a succession of kings and queens. Visual aids help make trivia more than just words—they add a layer of understanding.

Turn It Into a Game

Give trivia a time limit or run it like a quiz show with buzzers, prizes, or silly punishments (like someone’s got to do a chicken dance if they answer wrong). Throw in bonus questions for extra points. Making it competitive, but low-pressure, builds excitement while keeping the mood positive.

Combine Stories with Questions

Trivia doesn’t have to be dry facts. Turn a question into a short story beforehand. For example, instead of “What animal did Hannibal famously bring over the Alps?” you could say, “Imagine leading an army through snow, and right in the middle of it, there’s this massive animal stomping through the cold. What was it?”

Reward Progress

Kids love a good reward, and trivia makes it easy. Correct three questions in a row? They get an extra snack at dinner. Master five new questions? Guess who gets to pick the next family movie! Little incentives make a big difference in keeping kids motivated.

Make It Real-Life Relevant


Find ways to connect trivia to real-world situations. Visiting a museum or a historical landmark? Frame it around trivia! “We’re at Mount Rushmore—who can name all four presidents?” It reinforces learning in a way that feels experiential instead of forced.

Easy History Trivia Questions

These easy history trivia questions are perfect for younger kids, and a great way to warm up for the harder questions to come.

  1. How many wives did Henry VIII have? Six.
  2. In which year did the First World War end? 1918.
  3. Which nurse was nicknamed “The Lady with the Lamp”? Florence Nightingale.
  4. What is Samuel Pepys famous for? His diary.
  5. Which famous queen of ancient Egypt married the Roman leader Mark Anthony? Cleopatra.
  6. In which year was the Battle of Hastings? 1066.
  7. Name the playwright whose work includes Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. William Shakespeare.
  8. Who rose to power as the leader of the Nazi party? Adolf Hitler.
  9. In which year did the explorer Columbus discover America? 1492.
  10. Name the battle which General George Custer is most recognized for. The Battle of Little Bighorn.
  11. On what type of medieval building would you find battlements? A castle.
  12. In which year did the Great Fire of London occur? 1666.
  13. Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell.
  14. Which ancient people worshiped cats? The Egyptians.
  15. Which mythical king and his knights sat at a round table? King Arthur.
  16. Which queen of England was married to Albert and, following his premature death, wore mourning for the rest of her life? Queen Victoria.
  17. What is the name of the building where American presidents live? The White House.
  18. What is the surname of Thomas who invented the lightbulb? Edison.
  19. Which US president was assassinated in 1963? John F Kennedy.
  20. What is the name of Prince William and the Princess of Wales’s son, born in 2013? Prince George.
  21. Who discovered penicillin, revolutionizing medicine and saving millions of lives? Alexander Fleming.  

Hard Questions


Ready for the hardest trivia quiz questions? Are you sure? See how many kids (or you!) know the correct answer.

  1. Can you name the third of Henry VIII’s wives? Jane Seymour.
  2. The Trojan War was a battle between which two ancient cities? Troy and Mycenae.
  3. Who was the youngest king of England? Henry VI.
  4. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? Marie Cure.
  5. The first postage stamp in the world was introduced in which year? 1840.
  6. Which type of beetle was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians? The scarab beetle.
  7. Which Roman emperor wanted to make his horse a senator? Caligula.
  8. What was the first sport televised in the US? Baseball.
  9. How many Tudor monarchs were there in total? Five.
  10. How long did the “100-Year War” last? 116 years.
  11. Which medieval queen was married to both Louis VII of France and Henry II of England? Eleanor of Aquitaine.
  12. Which country did the Peasants’ Revolt take place in the fourteenth century? England.
  13. Name the leader of the Scottish army who won a victory over the English at the battle of Bannockburn in 1314. Robert the Bruce.
  14. Who was the last tsar of Russia? Nicholas II.
  15. Who was the last king of the Plantagenet line? Richard III.
  16. The Great Fire of London started in a bakery in which lane? Pudding Lane.
  17. What was the name of the first dog in space? Laika.
  18. In what year was the first iPhone released? 2007.
  19. Which iconic Ford car was released in the 1960s? The Mustang.
  20. In 2013, which holiday fell on the same day as the first day of Hanukkah? Thanksgiving.
  21. Which American poet, often considered the “Father of Free Verse,” played a significant role in literary history? Walt Whitman.  

US History for Kids

Mike Flippo/

And now for the US history trivia round! From Pilgrims to presidents, challenge your kids to see how many questions from this section they can get right.

  1. Who was the first president of the United States of America? George Washington.
  2. Which US president abolished slavery? Abraham Lincoln.
  3. Which famous Founding Father was also a scientist and made major contributions to the field of physics through his study of electricity? Benjamin Franklin.
  4. What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated? 1621.
  5. The Watergate Scandal involved the administration of which US president? Richard Nixon.
  6. Which country did the United States of America fight in the War of 1812? The United Kingdom.
  7. The Wall Street Crash of October 29th, 1929, is also called what? Black Tuesday.
  8. Name the two astronauts who walked on the moon in July 1969. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
  9. Which holiday was banned in Boston between 1659 and 1681? Christmas.
  10. What was the name of the Pilgrim’s ship? The Mayflower.
  11. What is the oldest city in the US? St Augustine in Florida.
  12. Which was the first US city to hold the Olympic Games in 1904? St Louis, Missouri.
  13. To which native American tribe did Pocahontas belong? Powhatan Tribal Nation.
  14. Which European country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the US? France.
  15. Which American made cars affordable to more people than ever before through a process called “mass production”? Henry Ford.
  16. Name the founder of Microsoft. Bill Gates.
  17. Which US president was known as “Honest Abe”? Abraham Lincoln.
  18. What does Independence Day in the US commemorate? The Declaration of Independence.
  19. Who is considered to be the primary author of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson.
  20. The US purchased Florida from which country? Spain.
  21. Which US state was the first to declare its independence from British rule? South Carolina.

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European History Trivia


Now let’s cross the ocean and find out some facts about European history—get your thinking caps on for the next challenge!

  1. Which historical figure spent 1815 to 1821 in exile on the island of St Helena? Napoleon.
  2. In which European country did the Olympic Games originate? Greece.
  3. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Michaelangelo.
  4. What was the nickname of the Romanian ruler Vlad III? The Impaler.
  5. What language did Alexander the Great speak? Greek.
  6. Who signed Magna Carter in 1215? King John (of England).
  7. Which treaty effectively ended World War I? The Treaty of Versailles.
  8. Who is known as the father of modern Europe? Charlemagne.
  9. In which country was Mozart born? Austria.
  10. Which English monarch succeeded Queen Victoria? Edward VII.
  11. With which country did the Scots form the Auld Alliance in 1295? France.
  12. Which historical figure is known as the Maid of Orleans? Joan of Arc.
  13. In which year did the Chornobyl disaster take place? 1986.
  14. What was the original name of Constantinople? Byzantium.
  15. Which saint introduced Christianity to Ireland? Saint Patrick.
  16. In what number Downing Street does the British prime minister live? Number 10.
  17. Which Communist leader is generally considered to be the father of the Russian Revolution of 1917? Vladimir Lenin.
  18. Which two religious groups were involved in the Thirty Years War? The Catholics and the Protestants.
  19. What year did the French Revolution start? 1789.
  20. The Wars of the Roses involved which two families? The Houses of Lancaster and York.

World History Trivia Questions


And no self-respecting history quiz would be complete without some general world history trivia questions and answers. Like these!

  1. Which three country’s navies were involved in the Battle of Trafalgar? Britain, France, and Spain.
  2. Which king of France was known as “The Sun King”? Louis XIV (14th).
  3. Between which two countries was the 100 Years War fought? England and France.
  4. Who was the first Western explorer to reach China? Marco Polo.
  5. Which ancient civilization built Machu Picchu in modern-day Peru? The Incas.
  6. What is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that is still standing? The Pyramids of Giza.
  7. What was the name of the last queen of France? Marie Antoinette.
  8. Tsar Ivan IV of Russia was known as Ivan the….what? Terrible.
  9. What was the name of the ancient trade route that connected the East with the West? The Silk Road.
  10. Which famous monument in India did Shah Jahan build to honor and immortalize his wife? The Taj Mahal.
  11. Who is known as “The Father of Medicine”? Hippocrates.
  12. Who was named president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated? Andrew Johnson.
  13. In which country did the Battle of Waterloo take place? Belgium.
  14. Which prime minister successfully led Britain through World War II? Winston Churchill.
  15. India gained independence from which country in 1947? Britain.
  16. The Storming of the Bastille led to which revolution? The French Revolution.
  17. What ancient wonder of the world was located in Greece and dedicated to the goddess Athena? The Parthenon.
  18. Which bridge in Australia opened in March 1932? The Sydney Harbour Bridge.
  19. Edward Teach, the notorious seventeenth-century pirate, is better known by what name? Blackbeard.
  20. Julius Caesar was assassinated on 15 March 44 BC, a date which is now often known by what term? The Ides of March.

Ancient History Trivia

Anton Serkin/

How well does your kid know their ancient history? Prepare to find out with these questions that’ll take you back through the mists of time.

  1. Which civilization invented the wheel? The Sumerians.
  2. Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was in Babylon? The Hanging Gardens.
  3. How many hills were there in the ancient city of Rome? Seven.
  4. What was the name of the Roman town that was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD? Pompeii.
  5. Which country is famous for its Terracotta Army? China.
  6. In which city would you find the world-famous Colosseum? Rome.
  7. Which age followed the Bronze Age? The Iron Age.
  8. Which island was called Hibernia by the ancient Romans? Ireland.
  9. According to history, how did Socrates die? By poison.
  10. Who was Alexander the Great’s teacher? Aristotle.
  11. What did the ancient Romans use for mouthwash? Human urine!
  12. What was the name of the ancient Roman goddess of love? Venus.
  13. In which modern-day country did the Aztecs mainly live? Mexico.
  14. What is the name of the most famous ancient stone circle in the UK, that’s visited by millions of people every year? Stonehenge.
  15. Which queen of the Iceni tribe led a failed uprising against the Romans? Boudica.
  16. Alexander the Great was a king of which ancient Greek kingdom? Macedon.
  17. Can you name the capital of ancient Egypt which is about fifteen miles south of modern Cairo? Memphis.
  18. The Parthenon, which is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, is dedicated to which goddess? Athena.
  19. Tenochtitlan was a huge capital city in which society? Aztec.
  20. What dynasty ruled China for nearly four hundred years? The Han Dynasty.

Related: Journey Across Continents: Geography Trivia Challenge for Families!

Modern History Trivia

Tang Yan Song/

And the quizzing finale! Test your kids’ knowledge of modern history with this fun—and challenging—set of questions. Good luck!

  1. Which company was the first to reach a worth of one trillion dollars? Apple.
  2. The soft drink 7Up was invented in which year? 1929.
  3. Which American pilot flew solo across the Atlantic in 1932? Amelia Earhart.
  4. Who did Adolf Hitler marry in 1945? Eva Braun.
  5. Japan attacked which US naval base in 1941? Pearl Harbor.
  6. Name the Victorian author who wrote A Christmas Carol. Charles Dickens.
  7. The first Gulf War began in what year? 1990.
  8. Which animated Disney movie was released in June 1994? The Lion King.
  9. In which year did the Wall Street Crash occur? 1929.
  10. The WHO was founded in April 1948—what does this acronym stand for? The World Health Organization.
  11. Which 26.5-mile-long structure came down in 1989, unifying Germany once more? The Berlin Wall.
  12. Name one of the four US presidents to have won a Nobel prize. Obama, Carter, Wilson, and Roosevelt.
  13. What year was Pluto discovered? 1930.
  14. Where did immigrants to the United States arrive between 1890 and 1950? Ellis Island, New York.
  15. How many years did World War II last? Six.
  16. Which country was hit by a meteor in 2013? Russia.
  17. Who spoke the famous “I Have a Dream” speech? Martin Luther King, Jr.
  18. Which company purchased the rights to the Star Wars franchise in 2013? Disney.
  19. Who was Time magazine’s Person of the Year in 2012? Barack Obama.
  20. What movement did Lord Baden Powell find in 1907? The Boy Scouts.

Trivia Questions for College Students

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  1. Which U.S. President campaigned for a second term on the platform of returning the country to the gold standard but was tragically assassinated shortly after winning re-election in 1901? William McKinley.
  2. What crucial event in Cuban history led to Fidel Castro’s rise in 1959, marking the end of Fulgencio Batista’s rule? Cuban Revolution.
  3. The Chinese scholar Xuanzang, who significantly influenced East Asian Buddhism, lived during which dynasty in China? 7th century dynasty (Tang Dynasty).
  4. What pioneering American woman became the first female self-made millionaire in the United States, thanks to her success in the beauty and haircare industry? Madam C.J. Walker. 
  5. Long before becoming an icon of freedom and reconciliation, Nelson Mandela was associated with which armed wing of the African National Congress during the fight against apartheid? Umkhonto we Sizwe.
  6. What document, created during the 17th century, established a framework for self-governance among settlers in the Plymouth Colony and is considered a foundation for American democracy? Mayflower Contract.
  7. The first successful English colony in America, Jamestown, was established in 1607. Who was the influential leader responsible for salvaging this struggling settlement? John Smith.
  8. Which English colony, founded in 1681 by William Penn, became a haven for religious freedom and Quaker practices in the New World? Pennsylvania.
  9. Which U.S. President launched the New Deal during the Great Depression, fundamentally reshaping the country’s economic policies? Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  10. James A. Garfield’s assassination in 1881 prompted a significant civil service reform. What was the name of the act passed in 1883 that sought to decrease corruption in federal hiring? Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act.
  11. Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution aimed to purge capitalist elements and traditional customs from Chinese society. During which decade did this campaign begin? 1960s.
  12. Osama bin Laden, the notorious leader of Al Qaeda, was the mastermind behind which devastating event in U.S. history occurred on September 11, 2001? Terrorist attacks on New York City.
  13. Before he was assassinated, William McKinley was instrumental in leading the United States to victory in which 1898 war that expanded American influence in the Caribbean and Pacific? Spanish-American War.
  14. Fidel Castro was a central figure in the Cuban Missile Crisis. What role did the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba play in shaping this global event? It brought the world to the brink of nuclear conflict.
  15. What significant historical trade route, flourishing during the 7th century, connected China to the Mediterranean, fostering cultural and economic exchanges? Silk Road.
  16. Who was the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded in 1931 for her efforts in international peace and social welfare reform? Jane Addams.
  17. Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Which other world leader shared the prize with him for their efforts to dismantle apartheid in South Africa? F.W. de Klerk.
  18. Which economic philosophy, widely practiced in American colonies during the 17th and 18th centuries, emphasized the accumulation of wealth through strict regulation of trade and commerce? Mercantilism.
  19. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only president to serve more than two terms in office. What constitutional amendment, passed after his presidency, limits presidents to two terms? 22nd Amendment.
  20. Following an arduous military campaign, Mao Zedong declared the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Which significant city served as the capital under his leadership? Beijing.

Trivia Questions for Elementary Students


  1. What city was the Declaration of Independence signed in? Philadelphia.
  2. Who was the first President of the United States? Washington.
  3. What wall famously divided a German city during the Cold War? Berlin Wall.
  4. Which country was led by Queen Victoria during the 19th century? Britain.
  5. Who is known as the “Father of Modern Physics”? Einstein.
  6. Which empire was ruled by Julius Caesar? Roman.
  7. What year did World War II end? 1945.
  8. Who was assassinated at Ford’s Theatre in 1865? Lincoln.
  9. What iconic structure was completed in Paris in 1889? Eiffel Tower.
  10. Who was the Prime Minister of the UK during most of World War II? Churchill.
  11. What was the name of the first successful English settlement in America? Jamestown.
  12. Which famous document begins with “We the People”? Constitution.
  13. Who is credited with inventing the light bulb? Edison.
  14. What year did the Titanic sink? 1912.
  15. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Khrushchev.
  16. What was the name of the medieval military expeditions to reclaim the Holy Land? Crusades.

Help Boost Your Kid’s Brain Power with a Great History Quiz

The best thing about a great quiz is that although it’s a game, it’s also a fantastic way of boosting your kids’ general knowledge and developing their problem-solving and creative-thinking skills. Plus, they may discover a subject, historical figure, or era that fascinates them, inspiring them to learn more. Whether you opt for a quick round of US history trivia, an ancient history challenge, or work through all of the sections above in order, you’re guaranteed so much fun that your kids won’t even realize they’re learning!

Why not share this post with your quiz-loving friends, or get together for a joint family quiz tournament, for the ultimate challenge?

FAQs – Yuri A/

What are some trivia questions about history?

Some great trivia questions about history are:

  • Who was the first president of the United States? George Washington.
  • Which ancient civilization built the Pyramids of Giza? The Egyptians.
  • What year was the first iPhone released? 2007.

What are 10 trivia questions?

Here are 10 engaging history trivia questions for kids and adults:

  • Who was the youngest king of England? Henry VI
  • What infamous pirate was better known as Blackbeard? Edward Teach.
  • Which prime minister successfully led Britain through World War II? Winston Churchill.
  • Who was the last tsar of Russia? Nicholas II.
  • Name the British colony where Mahatma Gandhi first started his civil rights movement. South Africa.
  • Who became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? Marie Curie.
  • Who was assassinated in Sarajevo, setting off World War I? Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • Which American president was known as “Honest Abe”? Abraham Lincoln.
  • Who reached the summit of Mount Everest alongside Tenzing Norgay? Sir Edmund Hillary.
  • Who established the Qin dynasty in China and became its first emperor? Qin Shi Huang.

What is the history of 20 questions?


The game “20 Questions” originated as a parlor game in the 19th century, becoming particularly popular as a form of entertainment for families and children. It gained widespread attention when adapted for radio in the United States during the 1940s, with contestants guessing based on Yes or No answers within 20 attempts.

What are some good questions to ask about history?

  • Which woman received the Nobel Peace Prize for her work promoting global education for young girls? Malala Yousafzai.  
  • What was the nickname of Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s first female prime minister? The Iron Lady.
  • Which explorer was the first to successfully reach the North Pole? Robert Peary
  • Who served the shortest term as president in United States history? William Henry Harrison  
  • What battle finally ended British rule in the United States? Battle of Yorktown  

The picture on the front page: Denis Val/

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