
What Is a Senior Assassin and Why It’s a Cause for Concern?

Although the Senior Assassin game has been a part of student tradition for decades, it’s caused much concern in the last several years. If you have a teenage child, it’s important to understand this game and why officials send warnings about it. Here’s a detailed guide on the Senior Assassin and how you can talk to your kid about its possible dangers!


What Is “Senior Assassin” and How Do You Play It?

senior assassin rules


The game’s origin goes back to the 20th century, with some tracing it to a book Steve Jackson wrote in 1982. Steve Jackson describes a unique set of rules in the “Killer: The Game of Assassination.” The game essentially requires at least two players and usually lasts for up to two weeks. The goal is to use fake weapons, such as water guns, to tag and eliminate opponents. The winner is the last participant standing.

In the United States, Senior Assassin has become a popular game for high school teens. Seniors play it in the spring, and the main weapon is water. You could use a water gun, bottle, or balloon to spray and tag another participant. Students who agree to participate invest some funds, and the joint pool money goes to the winner.

The rules depend on the game and can be adjusted as participants see fit. A basic rule is that the live-action game doesn’t apply to school grounds, meaning you can’t play it from 7 AM to 4 PM. A common and smart rule is that there’s no trespassing, so entering the home or yard of the target is only possible with adequate permission. Finally, you can’t “shoot” from a moving vehicle, so you have to turn off the car first.

Why You Should Worry About the Senior Assassin Game

Officials and parents worry for the same reason, and it’s an unforeseen situation that goes too far, or somebody taking the game too seriously. For example, some schoolers used ski masks to cover their faces while pursuing targets. If you are familiar with the game, that’s okay. But imagine that you don’t have a clue about the Senior Assassin and see a man with a ski mask in the park. That definitely makes other people uncomfortable, especially since hitmen and other criminals use masks to conceal their identities.

It’s worth noting there aren’t legal consequences for the concept. Solicitation to commit murder isn’t by the law, but this is a game that doesn’t intend to hurt anyone. In this case, the rules are lawful. However, it’s what might emerge in particular situations that could cause a problem. Let’s say one participant is chasing their enemy in the playground. They could stumble on a small child or another person and injure them. There’s also an option of hurting themselves in the process. And if someone else makes a mistake and sees the situation as a serious threat, they might use an actual gun out of fear, and that could lead to serious consequences.

Why Are Officials Warning About the Game?

senior assassin game


We’ve already been witnesses to several controversial situations caused by Senior Assassin. The scariest occurred in Gurnee, where participants entered a restaurant with water guns and ski masks. They were pursuing classmates for an in-game assassination. The problem is another guest wasn’t aware of that. He was a concealed carry holder and believed the situation to be an actual threat. Fortunately, they clarified things in time.

The Gurnee Police Department issued a warning that using fake firearms in public instills fear. It’s also subject to Disorderly Conduct charges, so there could be legal consequences after all.

Another situation that occurred was when a student was driving his car and saw that someone was following them. They stopped in an alley, but then a third car showed up because it was in pursuit of the people in the second car. All the students were Senior Assassin participants, but in the rush, some cars got scratched.

How to Talk to Your Children About Possible Dangers of Playing Senior Assassin

assassin game high school


The critical thing is to approach your child properly. Whether you’ve known they are playing that game or you want to warn them about its potential existence, here are some things to consider:

  • Pick the right moment to talk. You want to have enough time for the conversation, even if it becomes long. Also, make sure your child isn’t currently engaged in another activity.
  • Aim to show understanding and support. It’s important not to sound criticizing because that might push your child away. The idea is to offer support and show that you only care about your well-being.
  • Focus on listening. If your child wants to say something, let them do that. The things they share will help you know more about their lives, and that can be crucial to ensure your safety.
  • Honesty is the best policy. Don’t be afraid to show that you are only a concerned parent. Be honest and open when it comes to mentioning fake-looking guns, and how others might react to them.
  • Don’t hesitate to show real-life examples. You can find many police warnings regarding the potentially serious or fatal effects of Senior Assassin. Showing them to your kid might help them understand the threats of the game better.

Tips on How to Keep Your Child Safe

what is senior assassin

It has always been hard to be a parent, but today’s era brings all sorts of challenges, including the Senior Assassin game. Here’s what you can do to ensure your child remains safe if this game is popular in your neighborhood!

Emphasize the Importance of Safety

It’s not only Senior Assassin that can compromise the safety of your children. You can find social media challenges that involve people putting themselves in life-threatening situations. As a parent, you should ensure the child understands why Senior Assassin (and other things) could be dangerous, despite technically being only a game.

The most secure approach is to explain they should use common sense in all situations. If they assess that something seems dangerous or could be illegal, they should refrain from engaging in that activity. The best way to stay safe is to stay out of trouble in all ways possible.

Discuss Boundaries

A girl from a university discovered that a close friend put a GPS tracker on her car to find and eliminate her to win the Senior Assassin game. She said that she was glad it turned out to be her friend since it would be really weird otherwise.

That’s why you should reach an agreement with your child regarding boundaries. That means they shouldn’t trespass, annoy, or disturb those who pass by, or do anything that could lead to legal consequences or other problems. If their friends are up to something quirky, let your child know that they could call the police anonymously to stop that from happening.

Rely on the Findmykids App

Findmykids app

Findmykids is the leading GPS tracker in the market. It provides real-time location updates on the mobile device, along with a location history with detailed quotes. You can sign up for updates about places your teenager visits.

The app also comes with SOS signals that your child can trigger in a single click. You can also activate audio listening to hear what’s going on in your kid’s environment. These all make Findmykids ideal if you worry whether your kid participates in Senior Assassin or a similar competition. The basic version is free for iOS and Android, although the premium app is necessary to unlock all features

Ensure your teen stays safe while participating in games like Senior Assassin with the Findmykids app!

Although it’s most popular in the United States, Senior Assassin is expanding throughout the world. That’s why parents should understand the game’s concept and warn their children about the potential dangers.

Do you have experience with the Senior Assassin game? Please share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t hesitate to ask more questions if there’s something we haven’t covered!


how to play assassin


What is a “Senior Assassin”?

Senior Assassin is a live game played by seniors throughout the United States. It requires at least two participants, although there are often dozens. The last person standing wins, and you eliminate others by tagging them with a water gun.

What is another name for “Senior Assassin?”

Some other names include Catcher Game, Killer Game, or Senior Tag. Furthermore, the participants can use any name they see fit, which is why we often see this rebranding.

What are the Rules for Senior Assassin Purge Day?

The Purge Day adds stricter rules to the Senior Assassin. For example, you have to keep your location active at all times, or it’s necessary for all players to be in the same area for a certain time. Purge Day can be a particularly dangerous game variant, which is why it requires extra caution.

What App is Used for Senior Assassin?

You’ll find several apps that support organizing this game. Examples include Splashin, Catcher Games: Senior Assassin, SLAP IRL: Assassin & Tag, and so on. You can look for these on your device in the app store.

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