Parental Tips

Should Parents Let Their Kids Keep Phones in Bedroom at Night?

As a parent, it’s common to worry about your child’s phone use. Too much time on a device can lead to insomnia, anxiety, and all kinds of other issues.

But taking away their phone at night might do more harm than good. For one, it can create conflict and tension between you and your child. It can also create a sense of mistrust in your relationship.

But beyond these issues, there are real concerns about the impact of taking away phones at night.

So before taking away your child’s phone, it’s worth considering why parents shouldn’t take away phones at night—as well as some reasons why you might want to make the switch. In this article, we’ll take a look at both sides so you can get a well-reasoned, balanced overview to help you make the decision.

Let’s dive in!


What Are the Health Risks of Having Phones in the Bedroom?

how to limit cell phone use for teenager

Phones have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. We use them to make calls, send text messages, browse the internet, take pictures, and sometimes, even as an alarm clock. However, many of us often fail to recognize the potential health risks associated with bringing our phones into the bedroom.

One of the most obvious risks is that smartphones emit blue light which can disrupt our sleep and circadian rhythm. Our bodies are programmed to follow a natural sleep-wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm. The blue light emitted by our phones mimics daylight making it harder for our brain to understand when it is time to sleep, resulting in sleep disturbances and insomnia.

Another health risk of having phones in the bedroom on a nightly basis is the potential exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Although research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health is still ongoing, it is recommended to minimize our exposure to such radiation. Sleeping with our phones close to our heads could increase our exposure to such radiation, leading to potential long-term health consequences.

Furthermore, having phones in the bedroom could also affect our mental health. The constant notifications, calls, and messages can cause anxiety and stress, leading to physiological responses like an increased heart rate and blood pressure. These responses can make it harder for us to fall asleep and affect our overall well-being.

Cons and Pros of Taking Phones Away at Night

Aleksandra Suzi/

Parenting can be tough, especially when it comes to setting boundaries around screen time. It’s become increasingly common for parents to take away their child’s phone at night, but is this really the best approach?


On the other hand, taking away a child’s phone at night can cause a number of issues. For one, it takes away their independence and makes them feel like they’re not trusted.

Not only that, but it can be difficult for children to get to sleep without their devices, as they may have become reliant on them for entertainment or relaxation. This can lead to sleep disorders and other health problems.


But there are also pros to consider. For one, taking away phones at night ensures that children get enough sleep, which is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Without their devices, children are more likely to go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Taking away phones at night can help children develop healthier habits around technology use, such as putting their devices away when it’s time to wind down for bed.

It’s important to strike a balance when it comes to screen time and setting boundaries around device use. While taking away phones at night may be necessary in some cases, it’s important to communicate openly with your child and explain why this is necessary.

By working together and developing healthy technology habits, parents can help their children thrive at home and beyond.

Helping Kids Develop Healthy Technology Habits

why parents shouldn't take away phones at night


In this day and age, it’s almost impossible for children and teens to go without technology. From cell phones to laptops and tablets, kids use these devices for entertainment and as a way to stay connected with their peers.

Parents often feel like they need to take away their child’s phone at night as a way to enforce good sleeping habits.

But here’s the thing—taking away a phone doesn’t necessarily mean that the child will get more sleep. In fact, if you take away a cell phone, it could cause a disruption in a child’s sleep pattern, leading to sleep disorders and other negative side effects.

So, what can parents do to help their children develop healthy technology habits? It’s important to set boundaries and rules around technology use, such as limiting screen time before bedtime and implementing a “no phones at the dinner table” rule. These rules should apply to parents as well, as kids are more likely to follow the rules when they see their parents enforcing them.

By gradually reducing the time your child spends on their phone throughout the day, you may find that phone use naturally reduces at night, too—making it easier to reap the benefits of cutting the phone out of bedtime without as many of the negative consequences.

Overall, taking away a phone at night may seem like the solution, but it’s not always effective. Instead, parents should take a more balanced approach and focus on teaching their kids healthy technology habits and setting clear boundaries around technology use.

What if My Child Refuses to Have Their Phone Taken Away at Night?


So you’ve read up on why parents shouldn’t take away phones during the night, but what if your child refuses to part with their device? First and foremost, it’s important to remember that these devices have become an ingrained part of our children’s lives. Taking them away can feel like a major punishment, and can even result in backlash or resentment.

But there are ways to work around this. First off, try to have a conversation with your child about the importance of getting enough sleep. Without being accusatory or judgmental, explain how using devices at night can disrupt their sleep patterns and even lead to disorders like insomnia and fatigue.

If your child is still resistant, try to establish some ground rules around device usage at night.

For example, set a time when devices need to be put on “sleep mode” and placed in a common area of the home. This way, your child still has access to their device throughout the day, but can’t use it as a distraction during the night.

Ways to Keep Your Child Safe Online

Kids360 app

As a parent, it’s natural to want to keep your child safe and protected. And with technology being such a common part of our daily lives, it’s important to address the issue of online safety. But taking away your child’s phone at night may not be the most effective solution.

Instead, consider talking to your child about apps like Kids360. This comprehensive online safety resource offers a variety of tools and tips to help parents and children navigate the digital world safely.

One of the key components of kids360 is their focus on education. By teaching children about online safety and encouraging responsible technology use, parents can empower their children to make smart decisions when it comes to their online behavior.

Kids360 offers parental controls and monitoring tools, which can help parents keep an eye on their children’s digital activity without taking away their phones at night. By using these tools, parents can monitor their children’s phone use, set time limits and day and night schedules, or even block certain websites or apps.

Another important aspect of online safety is communication. By keeping the lines of communication open, parents can create an environment where their child feels comfortable talking about any concerns or issues they may be experiencing online.

Taking away your child’s phone at night may seem like a quick fix, but it’s not a long-term solution for online safety. By using resources like Kids360, educating your child about safe online practices, and keeping lines of communication open, you can help keep your child safe and protected in the digital world.

Ultimately, the key to successful parenting in the digital age is communication and compromise. It’s important to recognize the role that devices play in our children’s lives and to find a way to balance that with their need for rest and healthy behaviors.

With patience and understanding, you can help your child get the sleep they need while still allowing them to use their devices responsibly.


why parents should take away phones at night

De Visu/

Should parents take away phones at night?

The blue light emitted by screens can suppress the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. However, there are also potential downsides to taking away a child’s phone, such as making it harder for them to complete schoolwork.

Why you should keep your phone away at night?

Keeping your phone away at night can benefit your mental and physical health. In addition to the sleep disruption mentioned above, using a phone before bed can also increase feelings of anxiety and stress.

Is taking away the phone a good punishment?

Taking away a phone can be an effective punishment for certain behaviors, particularly if a child is consistently breaking rules around phone usage. However, it’s important to ensure that the punishment fits the crime and is consistent with the values and expectations of the family.

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