
Child’s Safety All Over The World: How Did The Findmykids App Appear?

Used by more than 3 million parents in 170 countries, the Findmykids app is one of the world’s most dynamic and successful security services.

If you’ve been wondering about the app’s backstory, how it works, and what makes it so popular, here’s the inside look that’ll answer all your questions.

First Release and First Success

The idea of creating a service appeared in 2016. The developers’ goal was to create an international application that would help parents worldwide keep their children safe, irrespective of which place or country they may be in. The application was localized into 30+ languages and launched in 50 local markets, including the European Union, US and Latin America.

The application’s first release later called Findmykids, took place in the same year. Since 2017 Findmykids is #1 in Parenting category in Google Play in 88 countries and in Top-5 in Education category in AppStore.

GPS Watches Support


In 2018, the Findmykids service, created for mobile phones, began supporting children’s GPS watches, which at that time were only gaining popularity in the US and Europe.

Worldwide Popularity

By the end of 2019, the app had been downloaded by more than 6 million people, and the number of active parents using the service regularly exceeded 650,000.

Nothing’s Gonna Stop It

Despite widespread lockdowns due to COVID-19, the company continued its international expansion and maintained a two-fold growth in all key indicators in 2020.

What Now?


As of 2021 end, the app has over 40 million downloads and 3 million active users worldwide, ranking it TOP-1 on Google Play in the Maternity and Childhood category and TOP-5 on the App Store in the Education category.

Moreover, Findmykids founders plan to launch more products based on their own unique geo-tracking platform, including a platform for monitoring corporate employees; GPS tracker for pets and farm animals that does not require recharging.

The Findmykids app is available for both Android and iOS devices. Downlod it right now to keep your child safe wherever they be.

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Mobile application Findmykids
See your child's movements on the map, listen to what is happening around the phone when you are not near. Send a loud signal if the child doesn't hear a call from you
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