
How to Prepare For The First Day of School: Tips for Parents

The first day of school is a real challenge for parents on stress resistance. Will adults be able to properly prepare the child for school or not? As practice shows, it is easier for those families where a plan of action is drawn up before day X. After all, school preparation is a responsible thing. It is worth missing one thing from the plan – and the whole day will go awry. To avoid this, we have prepared several basic questions, by answering which you will meet the Day of Knowledge fully equipped.


Everyday moments. What to buy and do?

It’s better to start preparation in advance – one or two months. This time will be enough to buy basic school staff:

1. Backpack.


It is important to choose a backpack with a hardback not to spoil the posture of the schooler. There is a basic rule – the weight of the backpack should be about a tenth of the weight of the child. And when choosing color and design do not forget that boys and girls have different preferences. Pay attention to the presence of reflective elements, so its owner will be more visible on the road.

2. School uniform: for class and gym.

Everyday appearance is usually established by the management of educational institutions or discussed at the parent meeting. In the choice of clothing, formal-business style and restrained colors are preferable. An important point – the fabric of the suit should be natural. You should also pay attention to quality when choosing sportswear. The suit should be lightweight, comfortable and breathable.

3. Shoes.

Do not skimp on such an important thing as shoes. The child should be comfortable to spend the whole day in boots or sneakers.

4. School supplies – stationery.


Make a stock of notebooks, pens, and other supplies. Show your child where the nearest shops are so that kids can buy the necessary things on his own.

5. Create a workplace for schoolers.

The place should be well equipped. Remove all things that can distract from homework.

6. Take care of the child’s safety.

Modern gadgets and mobile applications help parents to always be aware of where the child is. One of the most popular apps you can install on your phone is «Findmykids».



To make school routine easy and smooth, you need to help your child to organize the learning process:

  • Teach the schooler to be independent and follow the schedule.

Rest and entertainment should alternate with completing assignments and homework. It is important to normalize the day, set the alarm clock in the morning and go to bed at the same time.

  • Discuss school with your son or daughter.

Talk about how to behave in a team, about the value of knowledge and skills in the modern world, why it is necessary to go to school at all.

  • Meet the teachers.

It would be nice to know more about the school in which the child is studying. Learn its history, meet teachers and guidance.

  • Make a schedule of food and diet.

The time for chocolates and chips is over. The children must understand that they need strength to study, and proper nutrition is the key to health.

  • Ask what the schooler wants to do besides studying.

This will help to find a hobby or choose the right section.

  • Learn the way to school.

Walk with your child on the route several times, mark the features and remind the rules of the road.

Plan of preparation for school. Psychological factors


It is important not only to pack a bag and accustom the child to a new schedule. Psychological component – an integral part of school preparation:

  • Study should not be a burden. Talk more with your kid about the advantages of the process and the importance of education.
  • Remember the instructive stories from your childhood. Draw conclusions together.
  • Study at home with your son or daughter. By the time the school begins, the child should be ready. Teach writing and counting to the first class, give information about the world – then the child will not be complex among peers.
  • Explain that each person is unique. One is good at mathematics, and the other needs to make every effort to solve the task, but he quickly runs or knows how to write poetry.
  • Do not press. Do not require only good marks. The ability to assimilate knowledge and the ability to apply it is much more important.
  • Do not annoy. Use gadgets or apps to track your child in order not to write to a kid every two minutes. Give freedom.

Tips for parents


When you bought everything you need and solved organizational issues, you should think about the festive atmosphere and a gift for the baby. Especially if the Day of knowledge is the first in the life of a child. Choose the right gift and support the future schooler (gift ideas can be found in our blog).

Another important point is the safety and control of the child. In order not to worry about the child and not to call him a hundred times a day, try modern innovative gadgets and applications:

  • watch with GPS tracker – you always know where your child is, you can follow his or her movements and contact kid at any time,
  • the app «Findmykids» for the mobile phone and GPS-watch – monitor the location of the child, daily movements, listen to the kid’s surroundings and immediately receive an alarm at the moment of danger.

The first day at school is an important day in the life of every schooler and parents. The right preparation will save your nerves, time and additional costs. Buy what you need, prepare your child, take care of kid’s safety with the application «Findmykids» or GPS-watch – and the new school year will give only positive emotions!



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