
Protecting Children from All Threats Together! Safety Guide in Honor of Children’s Day

Children’s Day is approaching. For Findmykids, it is a very important occasion. Firstly, protecting children is our top priority. We strive to ensure the safety of your most precious ones in any circumstances. Secondly, it is our company’s anniversary! Quite symbolic, isn’t it?

To celebrate this occasion, we have prepared an extensive safety guide for parents. We will teach you and your children the proper actions to counter threats and adversities.

Be sure to read, remember, and pass it on to your children!

Problem #1: School Bullying


According to statistics, every second child has experienced bullying. More than half of the children do not disclose it to their parents. Therefore, it is important to notice direct and indirect signs that your child has become a witness or victim of bullying and know how to help them.

Learn more about bullying

Providing psychological support and trying to identify the cause are the first tasks for parents. Take our test, which is compiled in collaboration with real experts. It will show how well-informed you are about bullying and whether you can properly assist your child if needed.

Take the test!

Problem #2: Cyberbullying

Pheelings media/Shuttertock

Cyberbullying can be much more dangerous than physical bullying. Anonymous users can harass, stalk, or blackmail a child. Kids may also encounter a virtual friend who will influence them with dangerous and inappropriate thoughts and actions.

How to recognize if your child is a victim of online bullying?

Read more

How to protect your child from dangerous encounters on the internet?

Find out

Problem #3: Gadgets!


This month, Findmykids conducted a study among children, revealing that they spend 5 hours a day on their phones! The danger lies not only in the potential development of gaming or gadget addiction but also in the exposure to potentially traumatizing and inappropriate content for children.

Research findings

There is a belief that an excess of visual and gaming stimulation in children can have a negative impact on their development. Therefore, it is important to monitor the amount of time a child spends playing games and watching videos, as well as the type of content they consume.

  • Learn how to protect your kid from toxic social media.
  • And get a dangerous apps list for kids and tweens to know your enemy face to face.
  • Also, teach your child about safe internet behavior to prevent falling into the hands of scammers and sharing personal information.

Problem #4: Street Safety


We are afraid to let our children venture out on their own, but it is inevitable. Sooner or later, a child starts going out to play in the neighborhood, walks to the nearest store, and begins navigating the city. These are stages of development and growing up.

To alleviate concerns, firstly, it is advisable to acquire children’s GPS watches or download the Findmykids app. Secondly, it is important to teach the child the basic rules of safe behavior.

We hope this information has been helpful to you. Take care of yourself and your children! And Findmykids will assist you with this.

The picture on the front page: Sergey Novikov/

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