
5 Essential SMS Commands for GPS Watches

Findmykids presents: the most necessary SMS commands for your new kid’s GPS Watch.

1. How to Set/Reset the GPS Watch Password

When buying a new electronic device, such as a phone or computer, it is important to find ways to better secure your information. In order to better protect your various device, you can set up graphic passwords, PIN codes, or a number of other available methods for protection. The Findmykids GPS Watch features its own built-in protection mechanism, which helps to eliminate the possibility for an unfamiliar individual to connect to your child’s watch. In order to set a password, you will need to send the SMS command:

pw,PASSWORD#. Be sure not to omit any characters, or add any spaces.

PASSWORD” is now the new, six-digit password for the watch. If you forget the password, you can reset it by sending the SMS command:

pw,123456# to the phone number in the watch.

If the parent or guardian owns an Android device, the password can be changed in the watch directly via the Findmykids app, simply by opening the child’s profile with the watch, selecting Watch Settings, and then selecting to change the watch password.

2. How to Disable Accidental Turn-Offs via the GPS Watch Button

By disabling the ability to turn off the watch via the button, you alleviate the worry of your child accidentally turning off the GPS Watch while playing. If you are concerned that your child may accidentally turn off their GPS Watch, you can prohibit the GPS Watch from turning off by sending the SMS command:


to the phone number connected to the watch. After using this command, whenever the GPS Watch button is pressed, you will receive a voice notification, alerting you.

3. How to Set Time/Date

In the event that the date and time do not automatically update after connecting the GPS Watch to the internet, you can send the SMS command:


to the phone number connected to your GPS Watch. When prompted, input PASSWORD as your password, if you have already set it. If you have not already set your password, the default password would be either 123456 or 523681. Set the date and time accordingly.

4. How to Reset GPS Watch Settings

To reset your GPS Watch back to its original factory settings, simply send the SMS command:


to the watch SIM card. When prompted, input PASSWORD as your password, if you have already set it. If you have not already set your password, the default password would be either 123456 or 523681. After inputting your password, all contacts, SMS, and other information from the watch will be deleted. Once your GPS Watch has been reset, you will need to reconnect to the Findmykids app once again.

5. How to Disable SMS Notifications

After successful connection to our service, some individuals may experience receiving unwanted SMS notifications from previously used apps to the GPS Watch. To disable this, send SMS command:


to the phone number connected to your watch. When prompted, input PASSWORD as your password, if you have already set it. If you have not already set your password, the default password would be either 123456 or 523681. This will disable this unwanted function.


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