How to Use SMS Commands to Set a Kid’s GPS Watch

This manual is relevant for the following watch brands: Smart Baby Watch, Titan Watch, Smart Pet tracker, Smart tracker, Wonlex, Tiroki, Wokka Lokka, iCooLive, Ereon, Pax+, CARCAM, LEMFO, GINZZU, DxRise, Woqoo, Tesla Nautilus Junior, Prolike, TipTop, Palmexx, YQT, Xenzy, Grea, EarnCore, Jesam, Synmila, RoverMate, Themoemoe, TKSTAR, GBD.
The Findmykids application is compatible with all of the following watch models:
Wonlex: Q50, Q60, Q80, Q90, Q360, Q523, Q730, Q750, Q8, GW100, GW100S, GW200, GW200S, GW200S, GW300, GW300S, GW400E, GW400S, GW400X, GW500S, GW500, GW500, GW500S, GW600S, GW700, GW800, GW900, GW900S, GW1000, GW1000S, EW100, EW100S, EW200, Smart Pet Tracker, Smart Tracker S01 and A1.
Smart Baby Watch: Q50, Q60, Q80, Q90, Q200, Q360, Q523, Q730, Q750, Q8, G10, G100, S4, Y3, W8, W9, W10, T100, T58, I8, D99, D100, D100S, S668.
Abardeen: KT01, KT04.
Titan Watch: Q50.
Safekeeper: GW300 and G36.
ZDK: HW8 and ZDK DS18.
And also Tesla Nautilus Junior, Jetix DF50, Q75, K911, Ginzzu GZ-507, Indee D26C, ZGPAX S668, Tiroki Q50, CARCAM Q50, RoverMate Kid 05, Wise WG-KD03, Aimoto Sport, Wokka Watch Q360, UWatch HW8, Pax+, LEMFO, Noko V7K, Prolike, TipTop, Palmexx, YQT, iCooLive, Ereon, DxRise GPS Tracker and Gaming Watch, Woqoo, Xenzy, GreaSmart Pedometer and Smart Watch, EarnCore, Jesam, Synmila, Themoemoe, TKSTAR, GBD, Owl Cole.
SMS commands might not be the first option that comes to mind when settings GPS watches that your children will use. However, they are convenient additions to these devices.
The way SMS commands work is that they enable sending a text message to the watch’s SIM card number. After receiving the text, the watch executes the command received.
How to Set Your Child’s GPS Watch with SMS Commands
The basic format of an SMS command will look like this:
- You always begin the command with the letters pw, which are short for password. It’s necessary to enter the watch’s password to manage its settings.
- Now, the second part is the actual password. If you haven’t changed anything, a huge majority of GPS watches use the default factory password 123456. If this doesn’t seem to work, you can try 523681, or consult the instruction manual you received with the watch. That’s where you’ll surely find the right combination.
- Finally, the third step is the actual command. We only gave ts as an example – it’s the command to see the current device settings. Depending on the desired command, you’ll replace these letters.
IMPORTANT! The SMS command should exclude spaces. It must begin with pw, end with the pound sign (#), and all of the characters must be lowercase.
Use the following commands to complete setting your kid’s GPS watch:
ver:G36S_THREE_V1.00_ …
bat level:95;
Now, let’s see the explanation of the commands above, so you can understand more about the entire process:
- ver—the current firmware version of the watch
- ID—unique watch identifier used to integrate the watch with any service
- IMEI—IMEI devices, which are used instead of ID to integrate the watch
- ip_url and port—these are the critical parameters as they mark the address of the server and port. GPS watches use these to send data, such as the current location of your kid. Please note that each watch can only be synchronized with one app at a time. It sends information to that app’s server, so make sure to choose a reliable service and reputable app like Findmykids. More information on these settings can be found below
- center and slave—phone numbers listed as ‘administrator’ numbers. Only these numbers can call the watch and modify some settings. That is why your primary phone number should be listed there
- sos1, sos2, sos3—phone numbers, where the watch will call and send text messages when the necessary settings are enabled and the SOS button is pressed
- bat level—the current battery level
- language—Language number set on the watch, possible options are: (English country code — 0, Chinese country code — 1, Portuguese country code — 3, Spanish country code — 4, German code — 5, Turkish — 7, Vietnamese — 8, Russian — 9, French — 10)
- zone—time zone of the watch. For example, ‘GMT-6: 00’ will be designed as ‘-6.00’, ‘GMT +5: 30’ will be designed as ‘5.5’. You will need this information if you want to change it
- GPS—this parameter indicates the current availability of GPS satellites (their number appears in parentheses). Positioning is possible only if the watch finds at least three satellites, 9 maximum. The more satellites the watch finds, the more exact the location will be
- GPRS—the availability of the Internet. If you see ‘NO’ here— the Internet is not available on the watch. This is one of the most common problems when working with them. We are going to take a look at how it is possible to set the Internet below
Tired of wasting time on SMS commands? Download the Findmykids app and set the GPS Watch 10 times faster!
We recommend using the ts command first as that will check if the watch functions properly. If it seems like the device isn’t responsive, confirm that you turned it on. It may seem obvious, but many users overlook this important step.
Another common issue is that there is a mistake in the number that should receive the message. Remember, that must be the exact number of the SIM card that you put into the kid’s watch. You can easily check if you got the number right if you give it a call. If the watch rings, everything should be okay. However, this step requires that your number be set as the center or slave number. If the watch does not ring, you will need to get a SIM card inserted into the phone and call from it to find the correct number.
If the number is correct, it is possible that the SIM card is just out of funds to send or receive an SMS. Again, to check this, we recommend inserting the SIM card into the phone to check the balance and availability of the internet.
If the above steps do not help to get a response from the ts command, it is possible that you used an incorrect password, such as PASSWORD, instead of 123456. If this is the case, input a different password. If this still does not work, you may need to contact the service center.
To Change the Service Address of Your GPS Watch
To work with the Findmykids server, the following parameters must be set: ip_url:, port: 8001. They are set automatically when you integrate the watch via the application.
If your watch shows other parameters, it most likely means that you tested another service previously, and that service changed the settings in the watch. It may also mean that the settings were not properly set during the watch integration. You can send the following SMS command to your watch phone number to set them:
How to Return to SeTracker
SeTracker does not send SMS commands automatically when being used. To return to SeTracker, you will need to set the address manually using the command:
If the SIM Card Has Internet Access, but the Watch Will Not Run
If you have made sure that the internet is available when a SIM card is inserted into the phone, but the watch still does not run, you may need to set the correct APN from the operator. Usually, it is provided by the operator automatically, but not for all SIM cards and operators. To set the APN, send the command:
For example for Beeline: pw,123456,apn,, beeline,beeline#. You can easily find APN parameters for your operator using Google and looking for ‘APN settings for operator…’.
Read also How to Set Up a Kid’s Smartwatch: User’s Guide.
Other GPS Watch Settings

Most of the watch settings are much easier to choose from the interface of the application Findmykids. We do not recommend using SMS commands without the special need to avoid mistakes when adding settings manually, but we mention the list of commands for reference purposes.
Turning Off the GPS Watch
* Lifehack — turning off the watch using buttons: [5 times #SOS] + [#1] + [#2]
Searching for Watch Indoors
Changing the Time Setting
There are two ways to change the time settings:
- Using accurate online time servers. (NTP server): pw,PASSWORD,timecali#
- Via SMS from your phone.
pw,PASS,time,hour.minute. second,date,
Example — setting of time 08:46:40 and date 09.11.2001: pw,PASS,time,8.46.40,date,2001.09.11#
Setting the Main/Additional Admin Number
Using this number, you can send SMS commands without specifying a password and restore it as “PASSWORD” in the case of loss of the old one.
Main administrator number. SMS format:
Additional administrator number. SMS format:
Delete all settings:
pw,PASSWORD,center,# or pw,PASSWORD,slave,#
Change Password
Using administrator number (‘center’ number). Format:
Important! If you forget that you send SMS command from the administrator number and specify before the command pw,A_COMMAND, you may set a new PASSWORD = A_COMMAND
From a random number. Format:
Important! If you accidentally insert a space after the comma/before NEW_PASSWORD, you can set up the password, which includes the ‘space’ character. Enter NEW_PASSWORD attentively!
Sending SMS on All Defined SOS Numbers by Pressing SOS Button With Watch Coordinates
Setting SOS numbers
pw,PASSWORD,sos1,telephone number#, or pw,PASSWORD,sos2,telephone number# or pw,PASSWORD,sos3,telephone number#
All 3 numbers:
To delete SOS telephone numbers
pw,PASSWORD,sos1# or pw,PASSWORD,sos2# or pw,PASSWORD,sos3#
All 3 numbers:
Sending a Voice Message From the Watch to Client Program by Long Press Power Button
Directory Settings
Display of the directory by briefly pressing button #2.
If the directory is hidden, outgoing calls are possible only on the numbers programmed for buttons SOS, #1 and #2.
Scrolling contacts up/down by briefly pressing 1/2 respectively. Call selected contacts by long press #2
The watch can store up to 10 contacts. The control method is specific and is performed using two lists with 5 numbers each — phb and phb2.
Each list is set up using a separate command. Numbers are defined by the list and in the order, specified in the command.
Set Voice Monitor Phone
For example: monitor,667062#. And the reply will be like: Monitor number:667062. Set OK.
Set GPRS tracking interval
For example: upload,300#. And the reply will be like: upload300s;ok!
Naming of Call Recipients and Message Typing Is Performed in the Encoding UTF-16
SMS format:
- list №1
pw,PASSWORD,phb,number_1,name_1, number_2,name_2,…#
- list №2
pw,PASSWORD,phb2,number_1,name_1, number_2,name_2,…#
On-line converter of text messages in UTF-16 format:
Delete All Contacts
- list №1
- list №2
Delete Some Contacts From List №1:
- list №1
pw,PASSWORD,phb,number_1,name_1, number_2,name_2,,,,,number_5,name_5#
Setting White List
White List—the list of fixed dialing numbers for incoming calls. Maximum 10 ‘white’ numbers.
Numbers are stored in two lists—whitelist1 and whitelist2.
SMS format:
- list №1
pw,PASSWORD,whitelist1,num_1,num_2, … ,num_5#
- list №2
pw,PASSWORD,whitelist2,num_1,num_2, … ,num_5#
Delete white list №1:
Delete part of the white list №1:
pw,PASSWORD,whitelist1,number_1, number_2,,,number_5#
Send Hearts
Automatically Answering Incoming Calls
Setting the Thickness of Watch Digital Symbols
Forced Outgoing Call from Watch on a Specified Number
SMS format:
Forced SMS from Watch on a Specified Number
SMS format:
Any font, including Cyrillic letters, is possible. Example: pw,PASSWORD,sms,+79520000000,123ABC everybody good#.
Setting Intervals of Data Transfer to Server
The interval is set in seconds. If disabled = 0. Minimum = 10.
SMS format:
Example: pw,PASSWORD,upload,300#
Related: SIM Card for Kids’ Smartwatches: Everything You Need to Know.
How to Get the Most Accurate Location of Your GPS Watch
These devices use GPS satellites to determine the location. The trick is that every structure between the watch and the satellites could affect the precision of the watch when determining the user’s position.
If you want to maximize the precision of the watch, it’s best to take it outdoors. That will ensure there aren’t obstacles that can affect the GPS signal when you are inside a house or building.
While you are outside, use the forced wake-up for the GPS module function. This command forcibly ‘wakes up’ GPS module for a time period sufficient to find the current position in the open air.
The 3 minute period of communication with the server (upload) is reduced to 20 seconds.
Please note that the device might use Wi-Fi networks to find the location when the GPS signal is unavailable. Experts estimate wireless network accuracy to be from 100 to 300 meters, which isn’t as precise as GPS which can determine the location within 100 meters.
Check Google URL
url#(working with platform)
The reply will be like: [GPS],E25, [BASE],E25.
Restart Device
To restart GPS:
Reset Factory Settings
To Reset GPS to the factory settings:
Change Language/Timzone
Where x: language (English — 0, Chinese — 1, Portuguese — 3, Spanish — 4, German — 5, Turkish — 7, Vietnamese — 8, Russian — 9, French — 10), y: time zone (East time zone: ‘+’ is needed, west time zone: ‘-‘).
Too complicated? Download the Findmykids app and set the watch in two clicks without SMS commands!
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